
When should I prune my Tibouchina?

When should I prune my Tibouchina?

To maintain a dense shape, lightly prune tibouchinas after flowering or in early spring. Rejuvenate old, woody plants by giving them a hard prune in early spring to encourage new growth.

Can I cut back my Tibouchina?

Tibouchinas (Tibouchina sp.) should be pruned after flowering or whenever necessary to promote dense, bushy growth. The plant shown in our segment was looking spindly and ugly, so Don pruned it back severely.

How do you take care of Tibouchina grandiflora?

Tibouchina Care

  1. Light. Tibouchina prefers bright, filtered sunlight.
  2. Soil. Plant your tibouchina in a loose, well-drained potting soil mixture.
  3. Water. Keep your plant regularly moist during its growing season and throughout the summer—a deep weekly soaking should work fine.
  4. Fertilizer.

Should I deadhead Tibouchina?

Container Tibouchina responds well to deadheading. You can extend the blooming season indefinitely for houseplants with regular deadheading.

How do I get my tibouchina to flower?

How to grow tibouchina in a garden

  1. Choose a sunny spot with well drained soil.
  2. Dig the planting hole twice as wide and to the same depth as the root-ball.
  3. Position in hole and backfill with soil, gently firming down.
  4. Form a raised or doughnut shaped ring of soil around the outer edge of the plant’s root zone.

What is the best Fertiliser for tibouchina?

Fertilise Tibouchinas every autumn & spring with 5 in 1® Organic Fertiliser and also add a couple of handfuls of Searles Azalea & Camellia Plant Food. Then cover the soil with a thick layer of a high quality mulch, such as Searles Premium Garden Mulch, and then give them a good deep watering.

Why are my Tibouchina leaves turning yellow?

It is not unusual for Tibouchina leaves to look a little yellow/orange at this time of the year. We have just gone through a cold winter and these plants do like to grow in a warm environment. You can apply the product over the leaves and into the soil via a watering can.

Why is my Tibouchina losing its leaves?

Tibouchinas enjoy a well drained acidic type soil. It could be that the pH of your soil is too high and this can cause leaf burn at the edges of the leaf. Tibouchinas enjoy an even moist soil and don’t like to dry out, so regular watering is essential.

How much water should you drink with tibouchina?

Watering with 1 inch of water per week may be enough, but fluctuations in the weather can cause the shrub to need less or more water. Use a moisture meter to help you keep up with your princess flower’s needs.

How long do tibouchina flowers last?

Its flowers are 3- to 5-inches wide, and a deep, vibrant purple….How to Grow Princess Flower.

Botanical Name Tibouchina urvilleana (sometimes categorized as Tibouchina semidecandra)
Bloom Time Year-round seasonal bloomer

Are Tibouchina trees poisonous to dogs?

The California Poison Control System includes Tibouchina spp. in its list of nontoxic plants and does not mark the plant as being toxic to humans, dogs and cats.

What is the best Fertiliser for Tibouchina?

Do you need to prune a Tibouchina tree?

They do need pruning, otherwise they will grow into a fairly large tree. Afer they finish flowering, prune the plant back. Delaying the pruning means you throw the whole flowering season out of kilter and this will result in spasmodic flowering. Tibouchinas do well because there’s not a pest or disease that comes near them.

Is the Tibouchina grandifolia a show stopper?

Tibouchina grandifolia is by far one of our best sellers. Even without any flowers the plant is a show stopper with its large, velvety round leaves. When the flowers appear, the plant becomes one of the most beautiful shrubs in the world. Tibouchina is not a plant for everyone. It can decline and die when its requirements are badly neglected.

When does a Tibouchina flower in the fall?

Tibouchinas, also known by their old name lasiandras, are native to south-east Brazil. They have purple or pink flowers in late summer or autumn, with some varieties flowering in winter.

Which is the most beautiful Tibouchina in the world?

Tibouchina grandifolia is by far one of our best sellers. Even without any flowers the plant is a show stopper with its large, velvety round leaves. When the flowers appear, the plant becomes one of the most beautiful shrubs in the world. Tibouchina is not a plant for everyone.