
What is the syllabus for TC?

What is the syllabus for TC?

Exam Syllabus

S.No. Subject Marks
1 General Awareness 25
2 General Intelligence & Reasoning 15
3 Arithmetic 20
4 Technical Subject 30

How can I prepare for railway TC?

Essential Qualifications to become TC in Railway

  1. The candidate must be a citizen of India to become a TC.
  2. Candidate must be at least 12th class pass in any subject with at least 50% marks.
  3. The minimum age of the candidate should be 18 years and maximum age should be up to 30 years.

Which railway exam is TC?

Railway TC Recruitment 2021 Overview
Name of Organization RRB
Official Website RRB
Exam Conducting Body RRB
Post Name Ticket Collector (TC)

What is salary of TC?

Railway TS & Clerk Pay Scale 2021 After 7th Pay Commission:

Name of the Post Present Salary Salary After 7th Pay Commission
Basic Pay
Ticket Collector Rs.6500/- to Rs.10500/- Rs.9300/- to Rs. 34800/-
Commercial Clerk
Commercial Superintendent Rs6500/- to Rs.10500/- Rs.9300/- to Rs. 34800/-

Which is the syllabus for railway recruitment exam?

Candidates who planned to appear in railway recruitment exams are advised to prepare as per RRB syllabus. The syllabus for various exams are released by the Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) along with the notification.

Which is the syllabus of RRB TC exam 2020?

RRB TC Syllabus 2020 PDF Download | Railway Ticket Collector, Guard Exam Pattern: We have furnished all the complete details of the RRB TC Exam Syllabus 2020. Furthermore, the officials of the Railway Recruitment Board are getting to hire candidates through the Examination 2020.

What is the purpose of railway TC and CC exam?

Railway TC and CC Exam are a preliminary written exam conducted for recruitment of non technical vacancies in Indian Railways.These Non-technical vacancies include the post of ticket collector, commercial clerk, junior clerk, account clerk, train clerk, ticket examiner and typist post.

How is RRB exam conducted in Indian Railways?

The RRB exam is conducted for recruitment to different posts under the Indian Railways. The railway exam syllabus varies for different posts and candidates preparing for the Railways exams must keep themselves updated with the latest RRB exam pattern and Railway syllabus to prepare accordingly.