
What is the record low temperature for New York City?

What is the record low temperature for New York City?


Event Measurement Date
Highest temperature 108 °F (42.2 °C) July 22, 1926
Lowest temperature −52 °F (−46.7 °C) February 18, 1979
Lowest temperature −52 °F (−46.7 °C) February 9, 1934

What is the coldest day ever recorded in NYC?

February 9, 1934
The highest temperature ever observed in New York City is 106 °F (41 °C) on July 9, 1936 and the lowest is −15 °F (−26 °C) on February 9, 1934.

Is it cold in May in New York?

AVERAGE MAY TEMPERATURES May warms quickly with those afternoon temperatures reaching into the low to mid-70s F (22-24 C) by the end of the month. This is a great time to join us on one of our many free walking tours. During past Mays, temperature extremes have range up to 99 F (37 C) and as low as 32 F (0 C).

What was the weather in New York on May 27?

Light rain. Mostly cloudy. * Reported May 27 2:29 am — Jun 11 2:51 am, New York. Weather by CustomWeather, © 2021 Note: Actual official high and low records may vary slightly from our data, if they occured in-between our weather recording intervals…

What was the coldest temperature ever recorded in New York City?

The coldest temperature recorded in the continental U.S. was 70 degrees below zero at Rogers Pass, Montana, in 1954. New York City this week is bracing for wind chills of 11 degrees below zero. The brutal cold will come after some rain and snow on Tuesday night, the weather service says.

What’s the current weather in New York City?

If you have one, please consider turning it off on so that the website can function normally. Currently: 64 °F. Mostly cloudy. (Weather station: New York City – Central Park, USA). See more current weather Light rain. Mostly cloudy.

Which is the lowest temperature ever recorded in a state?

Next appears the lowest temperature (in both Fahrenheit and Celsius) ever recorded in that state, followed by the date the record low was set. The final column displays the city, town or other location where the record low occurred.