
What is the price of goat in Rajasthan?

What is the price of goat in Rajasthan?

“The middle class and upper-middle class buy goats in the range of Rs 20,000-40,000 weighing around 30-40kg.

How much does it cost to farm goats?

Goat Farming Project Report:

Time Period (months) No. Of Goats Total Cost (in Rs).
02 months 150 x 5 Rs daily x 30 days x 2 months ,45,000
06 “ 150 x 5 Rs daily x 30 days x 6 months 1,35,000
06 “ 265 x 5 Rs daily x 30 days x 6 months 2,38,500
06 “ 380 x 5 Rs daily x 30 days x 6 months 3,42,000

How much land is required for goat farming?

The land requirement depends on the number of goats to be raised or reared. Usually, 10 acres of land is required to raise 500 goats including shed construction area. If you are planning to start with minimal quantity of goats, for example 50 goats, it requires 1 acre of land for rearing these.

How can I get loan for goat farm in Rajasthan?

Process to get a loan for goat farming: 1: Visit any local agriculture bank or regional bank and fill the application form for the goat farming with NABARD. 2: It is necessary to present your business plan to avail subsidy from NABARD. The plan should contain all the relevant details about the goat farming project.

What is the price of goat?

How does price of Pet Goat vary on Gender?…Questions & Answers on Goat.

Gender Min Price Max Price
Both Rs 5000/Piece Rs 35000/Piece
Female Rs 220/Kg Rs 480/Kg
Male Rs 260/Kg Rs 500/Kg

How can you tell if a goat is pure Sirohi?

Sirohi goat is a medium sized animals. It has predominantly brown colored coat with dark or light brown patches. On occasion, the color of a very few goats may be completely white. The body is covered with fairly dense soft and coarse hair.

Is there money in goat farming?

Is Meat Goat Farming Profitable? The fact of the matter is that farming meat goats can be and is very profitable. In fact, meat goats are far more profitable than either sheep or cattle. Remembering that goats can be worth up to $20 per pound on average, whereas cattle goes for much less.

How many goats do you need to start a goat farm?

two goats
It is never a good idea to just have one goat, you need at a minimum two goats. Two does or a doe and a wether (a neutered male goat) or a buck and a doe, if you are ready to start a little herd. They huddle and cuddle, they eat and they sleep together.

How many goats do I need for 2 acres?

Poor ground may support 2-4 goats per acre while better pasture may be able to support 6-8 goats per acre. If you are adding goats to cattle, you can add 1-2 goats per head of cattle.

How many goats can you put on 1 acre of land?

How Many Goats Per Acre? Goats are similar to sheep in that you can support about six to eight goats on an acre of land. Because goats are browsers, not grazers, it will be important that the land you have will supply them with the sort of forage they like to eat—see below.

How much profit does a goat farmer make?

At present the annual gross revenue of the goat farm is Rs. 4 to 5 lakhs and total annual expenditure is Rs. 1.5 to 2 lakhs giving an annual net income of Rs. 2 to 3 lakhs.

Is there any scheme for goat farming?

As per NABARD’s scheme, people falling under the poverty line, SC/ST category will get 33% subsidy on goat farming. And for other groups, people who fall under OBC and general category will get 25% subsidy of maximum Rs. 2.5 lakh. And loan repayment duration is up to 12 years.

Which is the best goat breed in Rajasthan?

This goat breed is from Sirohi district of Rajasthan. This is mainly reared for the meat production.The sirohi breed also can be seen in the adjacent cities of Rajasthan state mainly in Jaipur,Ajmer and Uttar Pradesh.

What can you do with goat manure in Rajasthan?

Goat farming has now become a key part of Rajasthan rural development programme. One may benefit from goat manure since it’s a superb source of N:P:K. You are able to use this manure for growing fodder crops and farming plants. You can market goat manure for good profits too.

How much does goat farming cost in India?

Goat Farming Cost. Introduction to Goat Farming Cost and Profit:- Well, in any farming, cost and profit depends on many factors and if somebody gets profits in one kind of business, it does not mean that you can get as well. Goat farming is one of the fastest growing business in India as demand for goat meat (mutton) is increasing.

Is it possible to get Sirohi goats in Rajasthan?

It also depends on the availabality of this breed in local market. For an example if your goat farm is in Rajasthan then there is chances of getting this breed in lesser price as the reason sirohi goats easily available at the local market even you get in lesser price when you negotiate.