
What is the highest DRP score?

What is the highest DRP score?

In the past, the lowest score reported on a DRP test was 15- and the highest score was 99+. For these forms, the lowest possible DRP score is 14 and the highest possible score is 100. Otherwise, DRP test results are reported on the same scale as those used in prior generations of the CMT as well as DRP shelf forms.

What is the DRP reading assessment?

Degrees of Reading Power® is a quick, simple measure of literacy skills, meant to measure a student’s comprehension of text passages. DRP scores are precise, reliable indicators of student reading comprehension.

What is Degrees of reading Power DRP?

Degrees of Reading Power, or the DRP, is a pre-application requirement for the following programs: Allied Health Sciences, Health Care Aide, Library and Information Technology, and Nursing. The DRP is a reading comprehension test that assesses your ability to read at a college level.

How many questions are on a DRP?

Passages on DRP tests have seven items each. The passages are sequenced in order of difficulty. When the passages are very easy relative to the student’s ability, the typical response pattern is to get all of the items correct. As the passages become more difficult, performance drops off.

What do you need to know about DRP scores?

The DRP score given is an interpretation of how well the student measured up to the P-value, which is indicated in parentheses. Place the Instructional and Independent DRP (between 0 and 100) within the suggested range for your student’s grade level. The test results for a student include a raw score: the number of questions answered correctly.

What are end of year reading goals for DRP?

DRP reading goals based on CCSS end-of-year text complexity standards have been set at each grade level. With multiple administrations of DRP tests during the school year, you can monitor students’ progress toward those goals. End-of-Year Text Complexity Standards by Grade in DRP Units (based on CCSS Grade Bands)

How does the DRP core comprehension test work?

The DRP Core Comprehension Test measures a student’s ability to read and understand increasingly complex text. Three diagnostic scores indicate the student’s comprehension of key ideas and details, knowledge of vocabulary, and analysis of ideas developed within the text.

What does DRP stand for in computer security?

DRP Abbreviation. 34. DRP. Disaster Recovery Plan + 1 variant. Technology, Computer Security, Computing. Technology, Computer Security, Computing. 7. DRP. Disaster Recovery Planning.