
What is the best grip for a one handed backhand?

What is the best grip for a one handed backhand?

Eastern backhand grip
THE ONE HANDED BACKHAND GRIP In recent years some professional players will even turn the grip more, using a Western Backhand grip, however, for most players the Eastern backhand grip will be the best option. For this grip, the knuckle of your index finger will be on top of the grip as the picture shows.

What grip does Wawrinka use on backhand?

Semi-Pro. Wawrinka seems like a strong guy, stronger than Federer. His grip is what one would call a “weak Eastern” grip (although many don’t like the word “weak” in that context). It’s basically a 1.25 grip, between continental and Eastern.

What grip is used for the back hand swing *?

eastern grip
The eastern grip is the most commonly used for two handed backhands. For the semi westerns grip, your index finger knuckle should be located somewhere between bevel 6 and 7 (find what’s comfortable for you).

Who has the best backhand in tennis?

Dominic Thiem led the current Top 10 with average backhand speed at 67.4 mph, followed by Djokovic (67.3 mph) and Alexander Zverev (67.0 mph). Federer was around the middle of the ATP pack, averaging 66.1 mph. The average backhand speed for the 94 players in the data set was 66.0 mph.

What backhand grip does Federer use?

eastern backhand grip
Roger uses the standard backhand grip which is basically an eastern backhand grip. He switches it slightly for when he slices the ball. This grip allows Federer to hit his backhand with both power and top spin. As you can see in the top knuckle (the index finger) is practically in line with the frame of the racket.

How to hit topspin on one handed backhand?

To hit topspin on your one handed backhand, the racquet has to swing upward from from low to high. The contact point is in front of the front foot but with the shoulders still sideways. The racquet head at contact should be parallel to the net when making contact with the ball.

Which is the best grip for one handed backhand?

Overall, the eastern backhand grip is a widely used grip for good reason. Its versatile nature and ease of use makes it a great grip to use for your one handed backhand. If you can master the eastern backhand grip, you will certainly improve your one handed backhand and your tennis game!

Why do you use Eastern Backhand grip in tennis?

Therefore, it is very important to be able to change grips confidently and quickly in tennis, particularly on the backhand wing. The eastern backhand grip is a very versatile way to hold the racket when hitting your backhand. This commonly used grip allows you to hit both flatter drives and high, looping rips.

What’s the most common mistake on a one handed backhand?

One of the most common mistakes on the one-handed topspin backhand is trying to hit the shot using the wrong grip. Unless you are holding the racquet with an Eastern backhand grip, you are always going to struggle.