
What is the best app for podcast on Android?

What is the best app for podcast on Android?

Best Podcast Listening Apps (For iOS & Android)

  • Player FM.
  • Pocket Casts.
  • Castbox.
  • Podbean.
  • Stitcher.
  • Laughable.
  • TuneIn Radio.
  • Spotify.

Can you review podcasts on Android?

It’s one of the top few podcast apps for Android with 10m+ users. Go to your podcast’s listing in the app, tap on the Reviews button and tap the new review icon in the top-right corner.

What is the best podcast app for Android Auto?

Pocket Casts
Pocket Casts, which is now fully compatible with Android Auto, is one of the best podcasts apps available to Android users.

Which podcast app is the best?

The best podcast apps of 2021 for listening to all your favorite…

  • Here are the best podcast apps:
  • Apple Podcasts.
  • Google Podcasts.
  • Spotify.
  • Audible.
  • Stitcher.
  • TuneIn Radio.
  • Check out our other streaming and audio guides.

Are there any apps that can sync podcasts?

There are Castbox apps for iOS, Android, Android Auto, Web, Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Podcasts can be synced across the supported platforms, allowing for resumption of a paused podcast on different devices.

Can you listen to a podcast on Android?

Some podcast apps allow you to listen on either iOS or Android, as well as the web. Luckily, you can easily sync your podcasts between the two mobile operating systems if you use the right app.

Which is the best app for cross platform podcasts?

Castbox. There are Castbox apps for iOS, Android, Android Auto, Web, Amazon Alexa and Google Home. Podcasts can be synced across the supported platforms, allowing for resumption of a paused podcast on different devices. What makes Castbox special is the way it allows users to search for content.

What are the features of a podcast app?

Nearly all podcast apps have a few features in common. You should always be able to subscribe to a show so that new episodes appear in your podcast feed. You should be able to control how much content downloads to your device, either manually or by limiting the number of new episodes that download from each show.