
What is Ruki mukami afraid of?

What is Ruki mukami afraid of?

Yuma Mukami is the name he was given along with a new eternal life, he waits for that final form of fire to come and take away his name, family and life. He tries to prepare himself, but he secretly fears that it might be sooner than he can expect. His fear is loneliness and adaptation.

What is Kou mukami personality?

Personality. He appears friendly, but he’s actually very selfish and two-faced. Anything surrounding this idol Do-S (extreme sadist) is always at his mercy. He uses his handsome, beautiful face to his own advantage.

Is Kou mukami in love with Yui?

This was just enough for Kou to realise that he is in-love with her. In his Vampire Ending, he decides to betray Karlheinz by running away with her. In Subaru’s MORE BLOOD route, he appears more friendly and cheerful towards Yui, unlike in his own route.

Are the mukami brothers related to the sakamaki brothers?

Mukami household. The Mukami brothers were new characters who debuted in the second version of the franchise, Diabolik Lovers More,Blood. Unlike the Sakamaki brothers, they are not blood-related to one another. They were originally humans who were later turned into vampires by Karlheinz, who serves as their benefactor.

Who is Ruki Mukami in Diabolik loversrp?

Ruki Mukami (無神 ルキ Mukami Ruki) is the eldest son of the Mukami household. He is known as the ‘Brains’ of the Mukami family. Yuma (adoptive brother) Azusa (adoptive brother) Ruki is a handsome young man with ruffled, short hair colored with black on top and white on the edges.

Who are the sons of Karl and Ruki Mukami?

Ruki is the eldest son of the Mukami household. Granted by Karl, his job is to be the leader and look after his younger brothers: Kou, Yuma, and Azusa.

Who are the characters in Ayato Sakamaki?

Characters Heroine Yui Komori Sakamaki Brothers Ayato Sakamaki • Kanato Sakamaki • Laito Mukami Brothers Ruki Mukami • Kou Mukami • Yuma Mukami • Tsukinami Brothers Carla Tsukinami • Shin Tsukinami Others Karlheinz • Beatrix • Cordelia • Christa

Why did Ruki Mukami fall in love with Yui?

However, he later questions his initial intentions and his loyalty towards Karlheinz when he falls in love with Yui. Even though Ruki keeps being unfit to be an “Adam”, Karlheinz’s experiment takes the turn that makes it possible for Ruki to become a human again.