What is PKU and Wolfram syndrome?
What is PKU and Wolfram syndrome?
Wolfram syndrome , which is also known by the acronym DIDMOAD, is an inherited condition characterized by diabetes insipidus (DI), childhood-onset diabetes mellitus (DM), a gradual loss of vision caused by optic atrophy (OA), and deafness (D).
How common is Wolfram syndrome?
The estimated prevalence of Wolfram syndrome type 1 is 1 in 500,000 people worldwide. Approximately 200 cases have been described in the scientific literature.
How many people in the US have Wolfram syndrome?
Wolfram Syndrome Type 1 Medical experts estimate between 15,000 and 30,000 patients worldwide have this disease, including 1,000-2,000 in the United States.
What causes Wolff Parkinson White syndrome ( WPW )?
Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome (WPW) is one of several disorders of the conduction system of the heart that are commonly referred to as pre-excitation syndromes. WPW is caused by the presence of an abnormal accessory electrical conduction pathway between the atria and the ventricles.
What makes a Wolfram slide a guitar slide?
Wolfram. Perfecting the interface between you and your guitar. The material, weight and surface of a slide all have an immense effect on tone and feel, but very few slides are actually made with this in mind. A Wolfram slide is engineered from the ground up using a range of stunning materials, to perform as a guitar slide.
What are the features of diencephalic syndrome ( FTT )?
• Any feature of Diencephalic syndrome (FTT, vomiting and emaciation- Anterior hypothalamus) Precocious puberty (Tuber cinereum) Hormone deficinecy • Features suggesting mass effect on Chiasma • Epilepsy: Gelastic seizure * Destructive lesion of hypothalamus never causes precocious puberty 13.
What are the symptoms of WPW syndrome recurrent tachycardia?
SymptomsSymptoms The usual complaint of patients with WPW syndrome and recurrent tachycardia is usually rapid palpitations associated with chest discomfort, shortness of breath, lightheadedness or syncope. The onset and offset are typically sudden.