What is OCR in image processing?
What is OCR in image processing?
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is an electronic conversion of the typed, handwritten or printed text images into machine-encoded text. Such images and documents can be scanned as a document, a document photo, or a scene photo (e.g. text on signs and billboards).
What is OCR in industry?
OCR data capture and data conversion software assists manufacturing organizations accommodate the high volume of incoming documents inherent in the industry. OCR data capture reduces many of the steps necessary for manual form processing, including manual data entry for which errors are commonly associated.
What is the difference between OCR and OCV?
OCR technology compares the model of the printed alphanumeric character with the pattern of each character in the database. OCV, on the other hand, receives preliminary information about what the specific alphanumeric model is and checks whether the current character is complete.
What is OCR performance?
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technique, used to convert scanned image into editable text format. Many different types of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tools are commercially available today; it is a useful and popular method for different types of applications.
How to improve OCR accuracy with image processing?
Understanding the nuances of source image quality and also the techniques to improve the document quality will obviously improve your OCR Accuracy.
Which is the best pre processing step for OCR?
Hence, Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization ( CLAHE) is a very effective pre-processing step to improve the text and background contrast. Based on the image capturing technology used, source images can be subject to different types of Image misalignment.
How is image despeckling used in the OCR process?
Image Despeckling is a common technique used in the OCR noise removal step which is actually an adaptive bilateral filtering technique. It removes noises from the scanned image while preserving edges and other complex areas from blurring. It is very useful in removing granular marks from scanned images.
What is the output of an OCR engine?
The output includes ASCII or UNICODE character strings, and confidence values (for decision/data fusion). We have also combined character level output to interpret word or higher level data. The OCR Engine supports Linux and Windows based platforms. Custom embedded platform implementations have also been made, optimized for memory and run-time.