What is an Industrial skills test?
What is an Industrial skills test?
The Industrial Skills Test (IST) is designed to measure an applicant’s skill and aptitude toward industrial duties, such as manufacturing, shipping, and distribution. The IST is commonly found on many industrial job applications; performing well on this test can directly impact whether or not you get the job.
What does a skills test consist of?
Skills tests usually have questions testing how candidates would perform the tasks they’d complete in the vacant role. As skills tests evaluate how well people complete tasks, they are typically used to identify and evaluate candidate’s hard skills.
What do you need to know about the industrial skills test?
The Industrial Skills Test (IST) is designed to measure an applicant’s skill and aptitude toward industrial duties, such as manufacturing, shipping, and distribution. The IST is commonly found on many industrial job applications; performing well on this test can directly impact whether or not you get the job.
Where can I get a test preparation guide?
*Please visit Edison Electric Institute (EEI), one of our testing partners, for test preparation guides on the following tests: Opens in new Window.
What are the questions on a mechanical comprehension test?
Mechanical comprehension tests usually consist of multiple choice questions, generally relating to an included diagram. The purpose of these questions is to assess a candidate’s knowledge of machinery and other physical concepts. A candidate is not usually tested on profession-specific knowledge.
How to take a test for a job?
If you are being moved forward in the hiring process, the Recruiter will invite you to take the test. If you have a job bid, please send a test request to [email protected] with “Name of Test” in the subject line (e.g. ETT). Include your Personnel Number, Bid Code, and test location preference.