
What does sheet music for twelve hole Ocarina mean?

What does sheet music for twelve hole Ocarina mean?

Our music for twelve hole ocarina (AKA sweet potato ocarinas or transverse ocarinas) includes sheet music, tablature, chords, and lyrics. The tablature is a graphic of a standard sweet potato ocarina with circles to represent each hole. A hole is filled in if your finger should cover that hole.

What was Saria’s song on 12 hole Ocarina?

Saria s Song Lost Woods. Tabbed by tessfallout at GMAIL. Thank you for making the tabs to Saria’s song Lost Woods on the 12 hole ocarina! . . .

Which is the hole on the bottom of the ocarina?

The two outside circles are used to indicate the holes on the bottom of the ocarina. The circle on the left represents the bottom hole played by the left thumb. The circle on the right is for the right thumb. Each ocarina graphic is placed below the note to which it corresponds. A twelve hole fingering chart is also available.

Is there sheet music for sweet potato Ocarina?

Sheet Music for 12 Hole Ocarina. About the Music Our music for twelve hole ocarina (AKA sweet potato ocarinas or transverse ocarinas) includes sheet music, tablature, chords, and lyrics. The tablature is a graphic of a standard sweet potato ocarina with circles to represent each hole. A hole is filled in if your finger should cover that hole.

How are subholes handled on a C Ocarina?

On an C ocarina, subholes allow you to play B and, theoretically, A on a 12 hole. They are handled by sliding the finger forwards, covering two holes with the pad of a finger. The fingerings for a 12 hole ocarina are shown below.

What kind of key does a C Ocarina sound?

Whenever they are covered and the right pressure used, the ocarina will sound the note of its key—C if you have a C ocarina. The diagrams below depict equivalent fingerings for a 10 hole ocarina with a split pinky hole, and a 12 hole ocarina with ‘Taiwanese’ style subholes. Different subhole configurations exist which are explained later.

Can a multichambered Ocarina be played in lower key?

If you wish to use lower notes in a performance, I think playing a multichambered ocarina in a lower key is superior, such as a double alto G. In most cases, the ocarina’s chromatic notes do not have holes of their own. They are played by ‘cross fingering’, covering the holes out of sequence.