
What does lysis mean in medical terminology?

What does lysis mean in medical terminology?

Listen to pronunciation. (LY-sis) In biology, lysis refers to the breakdown of a cell caused by damage to its plasma (outer) membrane. It can be caused by chemical or physical means (for example, strong detergents or high-energy sound waves) or by infection with a strain virus that can lyse cells.

What does it mean when a doctor says bear down?

Medical Definition of bear down : to contract the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm during childbirth.

What does lysis mean for answer choices?

The dissolution or destruction of cells, such as blood cells or bacteria, as by the action of a specific lysin.

What does the Latin prefix lysis mean?

Noun. New Latin, from Greek, act of loosening, dissolution, remission of fever, from lyein to loosen — more at lose. Noun combining form. New Latin, from Latin & Greek; Latin, loosening, from Greek, from lysis.

What is the medical dictionary definition of lysis?

1. Biochemistry The dissolution or destruction of cells, such as blood cells or bacteria, as by the action of a specific lysin that disrupts the cell membrane. 2. Medicine The gradual subsiding of the symptoms of an acute disease. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

What is the medical definition of Bear Down?

Medical Definition of bear down : to contract the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm during childbirth

What is the difference between auto lysis and bio lysis?

Autolysis (auto-lysis) – the self-destruction of tissue typically due to the production of certain enzymes within cells. Bacteriolysis (bacterio-lysis) – the destruction of bacterial cells. Biolysis (bio-lysis) – the death of an organism or tissue by dissolution.

What kind of surgery is lysis of adhesions?

Lysis of adhesions is a surgery to cut bands of tissue that form between organs. These bands are called adhesions. They are often caused by scar tissue that formed after an earlier surgery. Adhesions can connect organs to each other.