
What does going overseas mean?

What does going overseas mean?

foreign country
If someone goes overseas, they’ve gone “over” the “seas” — to a foreign country. Nevertheless, one was thought to have made it “over the sea,” hence overseas. When traveling overseas, make sure your phone works on the network in the country where you’re headed.

Which is correct oversea or overseas?

4 Answers. You should use overseas: both oversea and overseas literally mean across a sea, but overseas is much more common for the abstract meaning of abroad. So if you’re talking about literal travel across a sea, use oversea: I work in oversea shipping.

What is the example of overseas?

Of, from, or to countries across the sea; foreign. Abroad; over or beyond the sea. The definition of overseas is somewhere across an ocean. If you are in the U.S. military and you are stationed in Europe, this is an example of overseas military duty.

What is another word for overseas?

In this page you can discover 18 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for overseas, like: abroad, transpontine, alien, away, across, in foreign countries, foreign, ultramarine, oversea, transarctic and transequatorial.

Which is the best definition of the word overseas?

: beyond or across the sea lived overseas for a time. overseas. adjective. over·​seas | ˈō-vər-ˌsēz . Definition of overseas (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : of or relating to movement, transport, or communication over the sea an overseas liner. 2 : situated, originating in, or relating to lands beyond the sea overseas installations overseas immigrants.

Which is the best program to go overseas?

Go Overseas is your guide to 16,000+ programs that will change how you see the world. Read 35,000+ community reviews to help you choose your next adventure. Amy, Nepal Earthquake Recovery. Emma, CIEE Summer Middle East Studies in Amman, Jordan. Krystina, Pod Volunteer | Animal Rescue in Thailand.

Who is overseas Leisure Group and what do they do?

Overseas Leisure Group is a globally-trusted distribution hub for travel products and services. We are Elevate Sports Ventures & Premier Partnership’s exclusive tech provider for the FIFA World Cup

What makes you want to look up overseas?

: to or in a foreign country that is across the sea I lived overseas. What made you want to look up overseas? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).