
What does blazing hot mean?

What does blazing hot mean?

The blazing sun or blazing hot weather is very hot. Quite a few people were eating outside in the blazing sun.

What does blazingly mean?

A brilliant burst of fire; a flame. b. A destructive fire. 2. A bright or steady light or glare: the blaze of the desert sun.

What is blazing fast?

: very hot, fast, or powerful.

What is a blazing person?

(slang, of a person) Sexually attractive. The actress, with her perfectly-curved body, was simply blazing in her new movie! adjective. 1. Of tremendous intensity or fervor; white-hot.

What does blazing mean in slang?

BLAZING means “Smoking Weed.”

What is the blazing fire?

A blaze is a bright, strong flame. A raging fire is blazing and you can also say other types of shining, like with talent, are types of blazing. Fire, when it’s going strong and burning bright, is blazing. The greater the blaze, the harder a fire is to put out.

What does blazed mean in slang?

BLAZED means “Stoned.”

What does blazing eyes mean?

► see thesaurus at shine 3 eyes [usually in progressive] literary if someone’s eyes are blazing, their eyes are shining brightly because they are feeling a very strong emotion, usually angerblaze with Linda leapt to her feet, her dark eyes blazing with anger.

What does I’m blazing mean?

What color is a blazing fire?

Alluring mounding form covered in large fiery orange and red flowers….Bidens ferulifolia ‘Fire’

Botanical Pronunciation BY-denz fer-oo-lih-FOH-lee-uh
Flower Color Multicolored
Foliage Color Green
Growth Habit Compact, Mounding, Upright

What is Blases?

1 : apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment : world-weary a blasé traveler blasé about one’s hometown. 2 : sophisticated, worldly-wise. 3 : unconcerned his blasé reaction to losing the match.

What does blazed up a doobie mean?

??? ok so “blazing up” is slang for smoking and a “doobie” is slang for a blunt which is weed (marijuana) wrapped up in paper.