
What country code is 00 41?

What country code is 00 41?

Telephone numbers in Switzerland

Typical format 0xx xxx xx xx
Access codes
Country calling code +41
International call prefix 00

Who called 01519?

If you actually received a call from this exact same phone number (01519), it’s definitely a spoofed call mostly used by scammers. For more information about phone numbers from the area code 0151, please check our page for Liverpool area codes.

What country code is 00 33?

When calling France from abroad, the leading zero should be omitted: for example, to call a number in Southwest France, one would dial +33 5 xx xx xx xx….Telephone numbers in France.

Country calling code 33
International call prefix 00
Trunk prefix 0

What area is 01519 telephone code?

Liverpool Telephone Numbers 01519 is not an area code in its own right. The area code is in fact 0151, and the following 9 is part of the local number. The 0151 area code covers Liverpool and the surrounding area.

Is the area code 01519 the same as the phone number?

01519 is not an area code in its own right. The area code is in fact 0151, and the following 9 is part of the local number. So 01519 should actually be written 0151 9, although it makes no difference when dialling the number. For more information on 0151 numbers, see the page for the 0151 area code

Is the 0151 area code a landline number?

Most numbers using the 0151 area code are normal Liverpool landlines but be aware that, as is the case for all UK area codes, such numbers may also be used for services without any physical link to the area. ( More info)

Are there any numbers that start with 0151 in Liverpool?

All numbers starting 0151 are part of the Liverpool area code. This includes 01512 numbers, 01513 numbers, 01514 numbers, 01515 numbers, 01516 numbers, 01517 numbers, 01518 numbers, 01519 numbers and all other numbers that start with the digits 0151, regardless of how the number is displayed or what the following digits are.