
What are the 47 PMP processes?

What are the 47 PMP processes?

In this article, we summarize these 47 PMP processes for you so that you can remember them easily.

  • Project Integration Management.
  • Project Integration Processes.
  • Develop Project Charter.
  • Develop Project Management Plan.
  • Direct and Manage Project Work.
  • Monitor and Control Project Work.
  • Perform Integrated Change Control.

What is an input and output in project management?

An output can be a document, a product, a service, or a result. An input to a process can be an output from another process, or things such as documents, company policies, and templates created outside of the project management processes. …

What are the 49 PMP processes?

The following table contains the 10 knowledge areas and the 49 processes:

  • Project Integration Management.
  • Project Scope Management.
  • Project Schedule Management.
  • Project Cost Management.
  • Project Quality Management.
  • Project Resource Management.
  • Project Communications Management.
  • Project Risk Management.

How many ITTOs are there in PMP?

How to memorize PMP® Certification Inputs and Outputs? Each process of PMBOK® Guide has on average seven ITTO per process, and it takes around 300 total ITTOs. This number scares many of you; let me give you the good news here. You are required to learn much less number of these ITTOs.

What are the 10 knowledge areas in PMP?

The 10 Knowledge Areas that have been defined in project management are:

  • Project Integration Management.
  • Project Scope Management.
  • Project Schedule Management.
  • Project Cost Management.
  • Project Quality Management.
  • Project Resource Management.
  • Project Communications Management.
  • Project Risk Management.

How do I memorize PMP processes?

How to Memorize the PMP Process Chart in the PMBOK Guide

  1. Step 1: Draw a 6×11 chart.
  2. Step 2: Write out your Process Groups and Knowledge Areas.
  3. Step 3: Fill in the corners.
  4. Step 4: Fill in your “Plan” processes.
  5. Step 5: Fill in your “Estimate” processes.
  6. Step 6: Fill in your “Perform” processes.

What are the inputs and outputs of a business?

Inputs are the resources invested in accomplishing a task, and typically include time, money, and effort. Process refers to what is done in order to accomplish a task. The output is, obviously, the accomplishment itself.

What are project inputs/outputs and outcomes?

Outcomes: the benefits that a project or intervention is designed to deliver. Outputs: the tangible and intangible products that result from project activities. Results chain: a graphical representation of the hypothesized relationship between project inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and impacts.

How do I remember PMP processes?

How do I remember Ittos PMP?

Read the PMBOK Guide, understand the concepts, and try to visualize the process. Understand each ITTO and think about why we need them in that particular process. Try to create an ITTO chart on an A3-size paper randomly and repeat it every day. It will help you remember the location of each ITTO.

Which is the output of the project management process?

The key output of this process is the project management plan, an integrated and aligned version of all project sub plans approved and signed by key stakeholders. Note that, project management processes are documented and controlled by the help of project management templates.

Which is the Complete Guide to PMP Itto?

Inputs, Tools, Techniques, and Outputs are the foundation and infrastructure of the Project Management processes discussed in the PMBOK® Guide. Also read PMBOK® Guide 6th Edition Knowledge Areas for Project Management – Process Groups and Processes – The Complete Guide for more on the relationships between Knowledge Areas and Process Groups.

How many processes are there in PMP version 5?

As per PMBOK® Guide version 5, there are 47 processes and 10 knowledge areas which one must be prepared for the exam. There are some inputs, tools and techniques and outputs of processes, which are commonly referenced throughout the PMBOK ® Guide and many PMP® certification training books.

How many project management processes are there in PMI?

Project Management Framework of PMI has 10 different project management knowledge areas. Each knowledge area has its own project management processes to reach project targets. Let’s examine them one-by-one.