
Is Basd the same as PEBD?

Is Basd the same as PEBD?

The Pay Entry Basic Date (PEBD) determines pay. Basic Active Service Date (BASD) determines almost everything else, including active duty retirement, time in grade for promotions and time in service for promotions.

What is PEBD military?

Military Buy Back Field Definitions · Pay Entry Base Date (PEBD) is the date that denotes how much of your service is creditable towards longevity for pay purposes. It can be found in field 4 of your last active duty Leave and Earnings Statement (LES).

How many years does military use in service?

Most first-term enlistments require a commitment to four years of active duty and two years of inactive (Individual Ready Reserve, or IRR). But the services also offer programs with two-, three- and six-year active-duty or reserve enlistments.

How is basd and PEBD calculated in the Army?

According to the U.S. Department of Army Retirement Services, retired pay is calculated by looking at the soldier’s BASD and PEBD. “ Retired pay is calculated using your basic active service date (BASD) and pay entry basic date (PEBD),” explained the U.S. Department of Army Retirement Services.

What does BASD stand for in military category?

The BASD is the date you use to calculate your time in Active Service (AS). Once you know that figure, you can then calculate your retirement pay and date of eligibility.

Can a PEBD be affected by a broken service?

Your PEBD can be affected by broken service, lost time, transfer to/from reserve components, etc. (If you separated less than one year ago, your LES is available in myPay . Or, you can call the DFAS Customer Care Center at 888-332-7411 for one.) · Active Duty Service Date (ADSD) is the date you entered active duty.

How do you find out your basd in the military?

The BASD is the date you use to calculate your time in Active Service (AS). Once you know that figure, you can then calculate your retirement pay and date of eligibility. For new service members, it can be difficult to find out your actual BASD.