
How much thermal paste should I put?

How much thermal paste should I put?

Situations to Avoid:

  1. Make sure to use the correct amount of thermal paste, which is roughly the size of a pea or a grain of rice.
  2. It might be tempting to spread the thermal paste onto the CPU yourself.
  3. Reusing paste can also cause air bubbles to form.

How do you calculate heat sink temperature?


  1. TJ = Junction Temperature (°C)
  2. P = Power Dissipated (W)
  3. RJ-C = Thermal Impedance Junction-to-Case (°C/Watt)

How do you calculate heat sink dissipation?

The derating factor is linear, so if the dissipation is 2250 mW for a 100°C rise (from 25°C to 125°C), for each one degree increase in ambient temperature, the power dissipation rating has to be decreased 2250/100 = 22.50 mW/°C.

How do you calculate heatsink thermal resistance?

Thermal Circuit

  1. R = T/Q.
  2. Were T is the temperature difference between the two locations.
  3. Re = V/I.
  4. With V being the voltage difference and I the current.
  5. Figure 1: Thermal resistance circuit.
  6. Rcs = ( Tcs)/Q = (Tc– Ts)/Q.
  7. Rsa = ( Tsa)/Q = (Ts– Ta)/Q.
  8. Figure 2: Cost versus required thermal resistance.

Can I use toothpaste as thermal paste?

Toothpaste is also an excellent substitute for thermal paste. Its structure decays after a few days, especially if the operating temperatures are high.

What happens if you put too much thermal paste on?

Don’t put on too much thermal paste When you apply too much thermal paste, it can act like an insulator. At best case, this may make the paste ineffective, and at worst case, you may damage components via overheating.

How do you calculate the temperature rise of an inductor?

To estimate the power capability, calculate Irms2 × DCR. If we assume that the nominal DCR is 80% of the maximum DCR specified, the calculation is: (0.48 A)2 × (0.8 × 1.2 Ohms) = 0.221 W = 221 mW. Therefore, approximately 221 mW of power causes the temperature of this inductor to rise ~15°C.

How do you increase heat dissipation?

Traditionally, heat dissipation has been handled by convection technologies, such as fans, liquid cooling and heat pipes, or conduction methods that use high thermal conduction metals such as copper. These solutions increase the complexity of the system, and add to the size, weight and power of the electronic device.

What is the ideal condition for thermal dissipation?

Correct Answer : Heat generated = Heat Dissipated.

Is higher or lower thermal resistance better?

Thermal resistance is calculated by dividing the thickness of the material by its thermal conductivity, giving an R-value specific to that thickness. As a rule of thumb, the higher the thermal resistance the better, because there is a greater resistance to heat transfer.

Is lower thermal resistance better for heat sink?

A heat sink will be required with a Thermal Resistance of less than or equal to 5.76°C/W. Heat Sink Temperature & Length Correction Factors: As ∆T Decreases, the Heat Sink Efficiency Decreases …

Can Vaseline be used as thermal paste?

Another solution to use as thermal paste can be obtained by mixing very fine aluminum powder with vaseline oil. The mixture must be blended for at least 10 minutes, in order to avoid the presence of little air bubbles.

Can you use Arctic Silver on a CPU heatsink?

It is NOT intended to be used between a CPU and the CPU heatsink. On a CPU please use a thermal compound such as Arctic Silver 5, Céramique 2, or Arctic Alumina. For proper use refer to the instructions here. Made with 99.8% pure micronized silver. 62% to 65% silver content by weight.

What is the temperature of Arctic Silver adhesive?

Temperature Range: – 40C to >150C (Bond strength is slightly weakened at temperatures below 0C due to crystallization.) Negligible Electrical Conductivity: Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive was formulated to conduct heat, not electricity.

How much is Arctic Silver thermal adhesive per syringe?

A set of Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive consists of two syringes containing a total of 7 grams of adhesive (3.5 grams each of parts. A and B) and a plastic reusable mixing wand. Although heavier per set than Arctic Alumina Adhesive due to its use of silver rather than ceramic, each set of Arctic Silver Adhesive.

How much is Arctic Alumina thermal adhesive 5G?

A set of Arctic Alumina Thermal Adhesive consists of two tubes containing a total of 5 grams of adhesive (2.5 grams each of parts A and B) and a plastic reusable mixing wand. (Approximately 3cc total adhesive.)