
How much is a German Shorthaired Pointer puppy?

How much is a German Shorthaired Pointer puppy?

Usually, the average price of a German Shorthaired Pointer puppy from a reputable breeder is between $800 and $1,500, while a top-quality German Shorthaired Pointer puppy can cost as high as $3,000 and upward. The price depends on the dog’s lineage, conformation to breed standards, age, and training.

Are German Shorthaired Pointers good pets?

Next to hunting and running, German shorthaired pointers like to be with their family. They are playful and intelligent, and generally are good with other dogs and children. This is a great dog for a family that likes to share the outdoors with their pet and also have a faithful dog around the house.

How do I get a German Shorthaired Pointer?

You can buy a German Shorthaired Pointer from a show breeder, who breeds their dogsto match a detailed standard of appearance for the dog show ring. Or you can buy a German Shorthair from a performance breeder, who emphasizes an energetic temperament and strong working drives for hunting and field trials.

Are German shorthaired pointers cuddly?

They’re a versatile sporting dog breed, retrievers on land or water, and of course, they’re the most affectionate of companions.

Are GSP dogs aggressive?

GSP Food Aggression and Guarding Food aggression, also known as resource guarding, is one of the most common aggressive behaviors in dogs, even the German Shorthaired Pointer. This type of aggression can be learned even as a puppy and if not corrected immediately can lead to some serious problems.

Why are German shorthaired pointers so expensive?

Training. Gun dogs are one of the few kinds of dogs who can cost more as an adult than they do as puppies. Purebred, trained hunting dogs can cost considerably more than puppies of the same breed. That’s because training can be expensive and time consuming.

Do German Shorthaired Pointers bark a lot?

German Shorthaired Pointers are high-energy dogs. GSPs bark at strangers and noises. They also are a bit reserved with strangers. Female GSPs typically are very protective of their puppies if they have a litter.

Do German Shorthaired Pointers ever calm down?

A GSP will calm down and mature around 2-years of age. With adequate training, exercise, and boundaries in place, they will be better managed. But in the meantime, exercise, training, and positive reinforcement will ease the situation.

Do GSP puppies change color?

The Color Changes of a German Shorthaired Pointer. German Shorthaired Pointers are born white with liver patches. As they mature, the white coat will fill in with various shades of liver or liver roan ticking. Various shades of ticking will become apparent in the litter from around 5 weeks old.

Are German shorthaired pointers black?

The German Shorthaired Pointer. There are also rare few black and white or black and white ticked GSP’s. Most of these are German imports, as the color is not yet accepted as a part of the AKC breed standard.

What age do German shorthaired pointers calm down?

What Age Will Your German Shorthaired Pointer Calm Down? A GSP will calm down and mature around 2-years of age. They will always be a high energy breed of dog, ready to run and hunt, even into their older years.

Why do German shorthaired pointers whine so much?

Why do German Shorthaired Pointers whine so much? German Shorthaired Pointers may whine in an attempt to communicate, to express a need for more exercise or mental stimulation, to show excitement, to convey displeasure or anxiety, to ask to be let outdoors, or to alert the family of suspicious activity outside.

Are German Shorthairs good pets?

Most German Shorthairs are good with other pets, but some can be aggressive with strange dogs, and some are determined cat chasers. Obedience training is a must for instilling self-discipline and control, for this breed can be a bundle of intense energy.

What are some good names for a German Shorthaired Pointer?

Cute German Shorthaired Pointer Names Belle Brownie Chocolate Cookie Cream Daisy Darling Dreamy Fancy Fudge

How much does a German Shorthaired Pointer cost?

German Shorthaired Pointers cost between $800 and $1,000 on average for a field-lineage puppy. Dogs bred for show or who have already received training in hunting may cost as much as $3,000 or $4,000. Lifetime expenses of owning a GSP will add to the cost.

Do German short haired Pointer’s shed?

In short, yes German Shorthaired Pointers do shed. While the fact that the German shorthaired pointers short coat may have you dreaming of days without lint rollers and dustpans full of shredded hair, it’s important to know that they do indeed shed – a lot.