
How much does a Porsche Cayenne battery cost?

How much does a Porsche Cayenne battery cost?

Porsche Cayenne Battery Replacement Cost Estimate. Labor costs are estimated between $119 and $150 while parts are priced at $761. This range is based on the number and age of Porsche Cayenne’s on the road.

What kind of battery is in a Porsche Cayenne?

Battery Type: AGM. Cold Cranking Amperage: 850. Reserve Capacity: 180.

Where is the Porsche Cayenne battery?

Most Porsche Cayenne 955 (Gen 1) models have a single large battery under the left front seat: that is the passenger seat on a right-hand drive car. The seat base lifts up on a pair of rear-mounted hinges to allow access to the battery box.

How long does Porsche Cayenne battery last?

between 3-5 years
How long do Porsche Cayenne batteries last? Porsche Cayenne batteries usually last between 3-5 years, but this is variable depending on weather conditions, the type of battery, driving habits, and more. You can prolong the life of your Cayenne battery by: Starting your Porsche Cayenne commonly is paramount.

What kind of battery does a Cayenne Turbo use?

A 2008 Cayenne Turbo is used in the video. Parts & tool list is below: Required Tools: * Note: In the video I say I used an H8 battery, as is recommended on most online battery configurators. I later realized I was actually given an H9 battery, and that is the correct size for this vehicle.

How old is the battery on a Porsche Cayenne?

Check the freshness date on the battery that you are purchasing and avoid any batteries that are more than six months old. Note that after you disconnect your battery, the DME computer will lose some of its history memory used for adapting the fuel injection system.

What happens if you disconnect the positive lead on a Porsche Cayenne?

If you disconnect the positive lead first, there is a chance that your tool may touch the metal chassis. This will result in a short circuit which would be can be dangerous to both the car and you. Be sure to purchase a battery that has the same group number and CCA rating (Cold Cranking Amps).

What to do if your Cayenne Battery is dead?

If your battery is completely dead, you’ll need to connect an auxiliary 12 volt power source to the jumpstart terminal and ground in the engine compartment to provide power to the switches. Loosen and remove the T25 Torx screw holding the rear foot vent to the battery compartment cover (green arrow).