
How do you use et al in a legal document?

How do you use et al in a legal document?

Legal documents must list every person involved by using their first and last names one time. To reference the same group of people later in the document, the court accepts using et al., such as “Jones, et al.” Et al. is commonly used to list multiple children as benefactors or grantees of the property.

What does et al mean in property?

other persons
Et Al means other persons. Et Vir means and husband. Et Ux means and wife. If the wife is listed first on the deed then the records will read Et Vir to include husband.

What is et al in a sentence?

Et al. is defined as an abbreviation for the Latin phrase et alia which means “and others.” An example of et. al. used as an abbreviation is in the sentence, “The article was written by Smith, Jones, Paul, et al.” which means that Smith, Jones, Paul and others wrote the article.

What is the difference between et al and et al?

As you can see, “et al.” is used to indicate a continuation of a list of people, while “etc.” is used to indicate a list of items. Similar to “etc.,” “et al.” always requires a period after “al,” no matter where it lands in the sentence.

What does et al mean in court?

Et al. Et Al. (et-ahl Abbreviation for the Latin phrase “et alia,” meaning “and others.”. This is commonly used in shortening the name of a court case, so that instead of listing all the plaintiffs or defendants, one of them will be listed followed by the term “et al.”.

What is et al short for?

Et al. Et an abbreviation of the Latin loanphrase et alii, meaning and others. It is similar to etc. (short for et cetera, meaning and the rest), but whereas etc. applies to things, et al.

What does Etal mean in property ownership?

“Etal” means “and others” indicating that your ancestor and other people are selling property, buying property, suing someone, or being sued. “Etux” means “and spouse” and that your ancestor and their spouse are selling, buying, suing, or being sued.

What does etals stand for?

ETAL stands for Effective Teaching and Learning. Suggest new definition. This definition appears somewhat frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Organizations, NGOs, schools, universities, etc.