
How do you conjugate HUIR?

How do you conjugate HUIR?

Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb huir in Present tense….Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo huyo
Tu huyes
El/Ella huye
Nosotros huimos

What is the preterite conjugation of HUIR?


inglés él/ella/usted
Preterite I fled huyó
Past Perfect – Pluperfect I had fled había huido
Future I will flee huirá
Future Perfect I will have fled habrá huido

What type of verb is HUIR?

The Spanish verb huir means ‘to flee’ and is an irregular Spanish IR verb. To remember this, imagine the WEIRDO flees from the WEIR!

Is Dormir preterite or imperfect?

Lesson Summary The verb dormir means ‘to sleep’. This verb is regular in the preterite tense (things that happened in the immediate past), but has an -o to -u shift in the third person singular and plural. Dormir is regular in the imperfect tense (things that happened repeatedly in the past).

How do you conjugate Leer in the preterite?

Leer is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense….Leer Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo leí
él/ella leyó
ns. leímos
vs. leísteis
ellos/ellas leyeron

What type of verb is construir?

The verb construir means ‘to build’. This verb is regular in the preterite (things that happened in the immediate past), but has an -i to -y shift in the third person singular and plural forms….Lesson Summary.

Subject Pronoun Preterite Tense Imperfect Tense
ellos, ellas ustedes construyeron construían

Is Dormir feminine or masculine in French?

Is Dormir masculine or feminine? Masculine & Feminine. … And yes, the word for ‘man,’ homme, is masculine.

What are the correct conjugations for Beber?

Conjugating the Spanish Verb Beber (to Drink)

Conjugation Translation
tú bebes You (informal) drink
él/ella/ello/uno bebe He/she/one drinks
usted bebe You (formal) drink
nosotros bebemos We drink

Do you conjugate leer?

(They read the newspaper.)…Conjugating the Spanish Verb Leer (to Read)

Conjugation Translation
yo leo I read
tú lees You (informal) read
él/ella/ello/uno lee He/she/one reads
usted lee You (formal) read