
How do I use Max in multiple conditions in Excel?

How do I use Max in multiple conditions in Excel?

Using an array formula based on MAX and IF functions we can get the maximum if multiple criteria in the following formula:

  1. =MAX(IF(B2:B14=F2,IF(C2:C14=G2,D2:D14)))
  2. =LARGE(IF(B2:B14=F2,IF(C2:C14=G2,D2:D14)),1)
  3. =MAXIFS(D2:D14,B2:B14,F2,C2:C14,G2)
  4. =SUMPRODUCT(MAX((B2:B14=F2)*(C2:C14=G2)*(D2:D14)))

How do you do a max if in Excel?

The MAX IF function identifies the maximum value from all the array values that match the logical test. The formula of Excel MAX If function is “=MAX(IF(logical test,value_ if _true,value_if_ false)).”

Can you Vlookup multiple criteria?

To set up a multiple criteria VLOOKUP, follow these 3 steps: Add a helper column and concatenate (join) values from columns you want to use for your criteria. For the lookup value, join the same values in the same order to match values in the helper column. Make sure VLOOKUP is set to perform an exact match.

How do you find the max value in an array in Excel?

Calculate the smallest or largest number in a range

  1. Select a cell below or to the right of the numbers for which you want to find the smallest number.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the arrow next to AutoSum. , click Min (calculates the smallest) or Max (calculates the largest), and then press ENTER.

How do I use Sumproduct for multiple criteria?

SUMPRODUCT with Multiple Criteria in excel helps in comparing the different arrays with multiple criteria.

  1. The format for SUMPRODUCT.
  2. In addition, while calculating the SUMPRODUCT with multiple criteria in excel, we have to use The double negative (–) sign or multiply the formula value with numeric one (1).

How do you use index match with multiple criteria?

We use INDEX MATCH with multiple criteria by following these 5 steps:

  1. Step 1: Understanding the foundation.
  2. Step 2: Insert a normal MATCH INDEX formula.
  3. Step 3: Change the lookup value to 1.
  4. Step 4: Enter the criteria.
  5. Step 5: Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

What is the criteria to return minimum value?

To return the max or min value with one criterion, the MAX function will do you a favor.

  1. Enter this formula: =MAX((A2:A13=D2)*B2:B13) into a specific cell you want, see screenshot:
  2. Then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the max value of KTE, see screenshot:

What is the generic formula of maximum value if?

If you are given the formula y = ax2 + bx + c, then you can find the maximum value using the formula max = c – (b2 / 4a).

How do I combine VLOOKUP and multiple criteria?

How to Combine VLOOKUP and CHOOSE with Multiple Criteria

  1. Click on the VLOOKUP-CHOOSE worksheet tab in the VLOOKUP Advanced Sample file.
  2. Insert lookup boxes in the same manner as you did in the exercise for a VLOOKUP with multiple criteria, spacing them at least one column or row away from the database.

How do I VLOOKUP multiple values in one cell?

Vlookup to return multiple values into one cell with a useful feature

  1. Select the data range that you want to combine one column data based on another column.
  2. Click Kutools > Merge & Split > Advanced Combine Rows, see screenshot:
  3. In the popped out Advanced Combine Rows dialog box:

How do you use max criteria?

How to find the max or min value based on criteria in Excel?

  1. Enter this formula: =MAX((A2:A13=D2)*B2:B13) into a specific cell you want, see screenshot:
  2. Then press Ctrl + Shift + Enter keys together to get the max value of KTE, see screenshot:

Can you combine Sumif and SUMPRODUCT?

SUMPRODUCT formula with AND logic In the recent versions of Excel 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007, the task can be easily accomplished by using a SUMIFS, COUNTIFS and AVERAGEIFS formula. If you are not looking for easy ways, or if you are still using Excel 2003 or older, you can get the desired result with SUMPRODUCT.

How to get maximum if multiple criteria in Excel?

How to Get Maximum If Multiple Criteria We can get the maximum if multiple criteria value of a dataset with the help of array formula approach based on MAX or LARGE function along with IF function in Excel.

How to find the max value in an array in Excel?

Summary To find the maximum value in a range with specific criteria, you can use a basic array formula based on the IF function and MAX function. In the example shown, the formula in cell H8 is: { = MAX(IF(B5:B9391 = H7, E5:E9391))}

Is there a formula for Max if criteria match?

In Excel O365 and Excel 2019, the new MAXIFS function can find the maximum value with one or more criteria without the need for an array formula. With MAXIFS, the equivalent formula for the this example is: Formulas are the key to getting things done in Excel.

How to calculate maximum value based on criteria?

Maximum value if. To get a maximum value based on criteria, you can use the MAX function together with the IF function in an array formula. In the example shown, the formula in cell G6 is: { = MAX ( IF ( names = F6 , times )) } Where names is the named range B6:B17,…