
How do I turn on closed captioning on TiVo?

How do I turn on closed captioning on TiVo?

When Closed Captioning is turned on, the audio portion of a show is displayed as text on the TV screen. To turn Closed Captioning on or off, press and hold the B button on your TiVo remote for at least two seconds.

Where is the C button on a TiVo remote?

When you hold the TiVo remote, your thumb usually falls on the PAUSE button. Below the Pause Circle are four round buttons arranged in a line that curves upward at the ends. Beginning at the right, these buttons are labeled A, B, C, and D.

How do I turn off video description on TiVo?

On your Virgin TV V6 and TiVo® box

  1. Press the Info button on your remote control to bring up the Info banner.
  2. Press the down arrow twice to go to Audio description.
  3. Press OK to turn audio description on or off.

How do you stop TiVo from talking?

You can turn off the Text to Speech feature on the TiVo by long pressing the “A” button.

How do you turn off closed captioning on TiVo?

To turn Closed Captioning on or off, press and hold the B button on your TiVo remote for at least two seconds. Note: You can also turn Closed Captioning on or off from the Info Banner. Just press the INFO button on your remote control and select the Closed Caption icon.

How to enable closed captions and customize them?

1 Launch Netflix on your device. 2 Select a TV show or movie to watch. 3 While the video is playing, hover your mouse or tap in the center of the screen: The menu items will appear. 4 At the bottom right corner of the video player, select the “Audio & Subtitles” icon (resembling a text bubble).

What to do if your TV does not have closed captioning?

Press the Pause or Volume Up button. If this is a problem with the TV’s Closed Caption settings, pausing or adjusting the volume will make the box disappear momentarily. Try a different Closed Captioning setting . Turn on Closed Captioning, wait for a commercial that does not support Closed Captioning; then turn it off.

How do I connect my TiVo to my Netflix account?

To connect your TiVo to your Netflix account, make sure you are on the Home screen and select the option below that best describes your device. Press the Netflix button on your remote. Once in the Netflix app, select Sign In. If you are not yet a member, follow the signup prompts or set up your membership online.