
How do I clear my recent projects?

How do I clear my recent projects?

At the top-left of your File Explorer window, click “File,” and then click “Change folder and search options.” 3. Under “Privacy” in the General tab of the pop-up window that appears, click the “Clear” button to immediately clear all your Recent Files, then click “OK.”

How do I delete a project in Android Studio?

In the Android Studio welcome screen, click on the project name and select Remove From List. Select File > Open Recent > Manage Projects, select the project, and press the delete key or click the X that’s displayed on it.

How do I delete recent projects in Visual Studio 2019?

Getting Started

  1. There are a couple of ways to do the clean up from Visual Studio.
  2. #.
  3. You just need to right-click on any of the list and click on “Remove From List”.
  4. For other versions, refer to the following:
  5. The default value is “one” for both options.

How do I remove a library from Android Studio?

Go to File > Project Structure > Select the module in modules and press minus(-) on the top left. This will remove the library but you will have to manually remove the files form your project .

How to delete a project from Android Studio?

Now press, Delete, you will get an Alert window “Remove the project from recent project list?”, click yes! Thats it! Note that the project will just be removed from the list and not from the HDD.

How to delete a project from the recents list in studio?

When a project is deleted from the recents list in Studio it will remain on the system. To delete the project entirely use the system’s file manager and delete the project’s folder from the system. A project opened in Studio reflects what is on the file system. If the project is modified outside of Studio those changes are reflected by Studio.

How to remove old SDK from Android Studio?

By removing that space issue will be resolved. old SDK location: If it’s Windows, all you need to do is delete the root of that project within the file explorer. Just right click on the name of the app in Android Studio, and then “show in file explorer”. Then just delete the project folder all in all.

How do you remove a project from the project directory?

You must close the project, hover over the project in the welcome screen, then press the delete button. The project can be removed from the “recent project” list but it will still remain in the project directory. To remove from the project list: Press Backspace (NOT Delete!) Press Delete (NOT Backspace!)