Help I’ve Been Bitten by My Neighbor’s Dog! Do I Need a Dog Bite Lawyer?

The world is full of potential perils. This includes dog bites. Even if you’re a dog lover, there is always the chance that you might find yourself on the receiving end of a ferocious dog bite.
You might never have imagined needing a dog bite lawyer, but if get bitten, you’ll need to understand what your legal rights are and how to make sure that you get the justice you deserve.
In this article, we take at the steps you need to take if you ever have a dangerous encounter with a dog in your neighborhood. Keep reading to learn more about your legal rights and how to proceed.
What the Law Says about Dog Bites
It’s important to understand who is legally responsible in the case of a dog bite. The law clearly states that dog owners need to control their dogs. When a dog is allowed to run free without a leash, and that dog attacks a person, the owner may face criminal penalties. These penalties can include fines or even prison time.
Be aware that the laws in each state are different, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the leash and dog bite laws in the area where you live.
What to Do When Bitten
If you’re bitten by a dog, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, and even pain and suffering. That’s why the experts at the Law Office of William W. Hurst say it’s so important to contact a personal injury attorney immediately to find out exactly what rights you have.
What Will Happen to the Dog?
Again, the laws are different for each state. If you know who owns the dog, it’s vital to contact the police immediately and identify the owner for them. Typically, the law requires the dog owner to report the attack to the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement.
The dog will then be placed on a list of “dangerous dogs” in the area. In many cases of dog bites, the animal will have to be impounded or put down.
When a Child is Bitten
When a child is bitten by a dog, the incident needs to be reported to the Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement and the police. And again, this will often result in the dog having to be put down in order to prevent future occurrences of bites.
What If You Don’t Know Who the Owner Is?
If you’re not certain who owns the dog that bit you, immediately report the incident to animal control. And if animal control isn’t able to identify the owner, they will suggest that you get rabies shots.
The Importance of Hiring a Dog Bite Lawyer
Dog bites are unfortunately part of reality. No one ever plans on this type of incident happening to you, but when it does, hiring an experienced dog bite lawyer can help make a scary and painful situation a little better.
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