Does Hijikata love Chizuru?
Does Hijikata love Chizuru?
At the end of season 2, Hijikata has a hallucination of Chizuru, which makes him realize his feelings for her. The night before the final battle, Hijikata and Chizuru confess their love for each other and kiss.
Does Chizuru end up with Hijikata?
She is a pure-blooded oni and the only female in the Shinsengumi who becomes a medic, cook, messenger and attendant for the organization after being taken in by the Shinsengumi. Throughout the series, she develops feeling for Toshizo Hijikata (the vice-commander) that she eventually became his lover.
Is Hijikata dead hakuouki?
Hijikata san changed back to his human form and died so he obviously wasn’t going to turn to ash. the reason he didn’t turn to ash was because he died as a human. Heisuke and Sannan san turned to ash while hey were still in they rasetsu form.
Does Chizuru die in hakuouki?
He died. So everyone keeps saying ohh he didn’t turn into ash and he wiped away chizuru’s tears at the end so he must be alive lalalala~.
What happens to Toshizo Hijikata in Hakuouki Shinsengumi?
When Isami Kondou sacrifices himself to allow the Shinsengumi to escape, Hijikata nearly cries out of despair at his own powerlessness to protect the person he wanted to protect the most. He only obeys Kondou’s wishes after he, as commander of the Shinsengumi, orders him to leave with Chizuru.
How tall is Toshizo Hijikata in Hakuouki Kitan?
Hijikata is a very handsome young man (a nod to his real-life counterpart) with long black hair that falls to his waist (when not tied up) and dark violet eyes. He is about average in height within the Shinsengumi as he is taller than Hajime Saito, but Hijikata is shorter than Souji Okita.
Who is Souji Okita in Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan?
Souji Okita, who has known Hijikata since his childhood, has a habit of messing around with him, especially with his haiku books. Although Hijikata is exasperated by Okita’s behavior, he sees him as a little brother and is very protective of him, to a fault.
Who is Hijikata in Hakuoki and hakumyu?
He is a main protagonist and Chizuru ‘s implied canon love interest. Hijikata is one of the Vice-Commanders of the Shinsengumi, and later its only Commander. In the localization, he is referred to as the Commander from the beginning, and later becomes Chief.