
Do you need mesh for stucco?

Do you need mesh for stucco?

Two-coat stuccoing is often used when stucco is applied directly to concrete or masonry surfaces without the use of lath or wire mesh. This is because the masonry or concrete provides a very rigid stable base.

What is the proper installation for stucco?

Step-by-Step Approach to Proper Stucco Installation

  • Install a base-wall flashing.
  • Install a high-quality WRB and shingle this over the base-wall flashing.
  • Install wire lath as normal but with ½-inch-longer staples.

How do you attach stucco mesh to concrete?

Hold the lath against the wall with the diamonds created from expanding the mesh pointed upward. Secure it in place using 7/8-inch concrete nails with a washer over the nail shaft to hold down the mesh strands.

When do you install accent features on stucco?

1. Accent features may be installed directly over metal lath when they are properly flashed or the WRB and lath extend over the top section of the accent feature. 2. Accent features may be installed directly over metal lath when they are isolated from the stucco as prescribed in ASTM C 926, Sec. A2.3.3.

Where to place weep screed for stucco installation?

The termination of the stucco at the base of a wood structure shall be per ASTM C-926, Section A2.2.2. A weep screed shall be installed per ASTM Standard 1063-06 section 7.11.5.

Can you put stucco on a wood wall?

Stucco On Wood Walls. 1. The procedure for applying stucco to a wooden surface is somewhat different, beginning with nailing 15-pound roofing felt over the structure. 2. After the roofing felt has been installed, it should be covered with 17-gauge metal netting.

How to install stucco right, include an air gap?

To Install Stucco Right, Include an Air Gap How should stucco be installed to avoid the wall-rot problems plaguing thousands of U.S. houses? By Martin Holladay| November 12, 2010 Rotten OSB. All of the stucco was removed from this 10-year-old Minnesota home to determine how much of the OSB sheathing had turned to oatmeal.