
Can I ground the parking brake wire?

Can I ground the parking brake wire?

Just wire it to ground. It’s supposed to keep you from playing dvd’s and making calls when the parking brake is disengaged, but you can just keep it constantly fooled by grounding it.

How do you bypass an automobile DVD player’s parking brake safety switch?

How to Bypass an Automobile DVD Player’s Parking Brake Safety…

  1. Pull the unit from your dash (assuming it is installed already).
  2. Find the ground wire (-12 volt).
  3. Strip the ends off of the wire that is supposed to be connected to the parking brake, the ground for the dvd player and the ground wire from the car.

Where does the green parking brake wire go?

The instructions in the Pioneer manual say that the light green wire should be connected to the power side of the parking brake switch, however, the switch in the picture only has one wire coming out of it (the red and black one).

Can I connect parking brake wire to ground?

Which is the best head unit to bypass the parking brake?

Most importantly Sonic Electronix is sharing insider knowledge on how to bypass safety features, use your best discretion and ALWAYS be safe. 5. Despite the tiny bit of extra difficulty bypassing the parking brake; the Pioneer AVH series is still our tech’s favorite line of head units.

Is there a way to bypass parking brake?

Our tech recommends you install the bypass wiring during your initial install so you do not have to go through the install process twice. All you have to do is strip and twist the wires to bypass the video safety feature. This’ll make your vehicle think the parking brake is on allowing you to perform advanced settings while in motion.

How to install a parking brake bypass on a pioneer?

Best part is that you can install it in about 1 minute tops! Connect Blue wire from MicroBypass to the Pioneers Blue w/White wire (Amp Turn on). Not the solid blue wire. Connect the black wire to the either the factory ground wire, the pioneers black ground wire or its own chassis ground. You can also share a connection with your new radio.

Can a DVD unit be wired to a parking break?

When wired to the parking break, this requires you to be stationary and have the parking brake engaged in order to view the television. When wiring the dvd unit, you can bypass this safety feature on some models, while others require you to buy additional parts to accomplish this.