Can deviated septum affect sleep?
Can deviated septum affect sleep?
The primary symptom of a deviated septum is difficulty breathing through either one or both nostrils. Other symptoms can include nosebleeds or, in some cases, a change in the patient’s external nasal appearance. It can also cause excessive snoring and difficulty sleeping, especially for those with sleep apnea.
What sleep disorder is related to a deviated septum?
Some online medical sources claim that a deviated septum can cause sleep apnea by restricting the nasal passage to your upper airway. But what actually happens in these cases is: The patient already has an obstruction in his/her airway, and the restricted nasal passage makes it worse.
How should you sleep with a deviated septum?
Having one nasal cavity narrower than the other can also lead to difficulties with sleep. Some people with a crooked septum might find that they get a better night’s sleep and are able to continue breathing through their nose as they sleep if they sleep on one side.
Will fixing a deviated septum stop sleep apnea?
Although not usually a cure unto itself, the surgical procedure called septoplasty will improve breathing by straightening a deviated septum, subsequently alleviating some of the symptoms of sleep apnea in addition to increasing the effectiveness of other treatments.
When should I see a doctor about a deviated septum?
Is it important to fix a deviated septum?
A deviated septum is generally not a serious problem. If your breathing is affected to a point where it bothers you, or your septum is so deviated that it’s contributing to sinus problems (as in the x-ray above), you should consider having it fixed. The procedure is called a septoplasty. It’s generally done to improve your quality of life.
Is deviated septum causing your snoring or breathing issues?
The primary symptom of a deviated septum is difficulty breathing through either one or both nostrils. Other symptoms can include nosebleeds or, in some cases, a change in the patient’s external nasal appearance. It can also cause excessive snoring and difficulty sleeping, especially for those with sleep apnea.
Which treatment is best for deviated nasal septum?
Sometimes symptoms of a deviated septum can be relieved with medications . If medicine alone doesn’t offer adequate relief, a surgical procedure called septoplasty may be needed to repair a crooked septum and improve breathing.