What would happen if Yellowstone erupted simulation?
What would happen if Yellowstone erupted simulation?
The simulation uses a lot of assumed numbers, and according to Mike Poland, the volcanologist in charge of Yellowstone, if Yellowstone erupted, we would see much more earth lifted up and larger earthquakes. Additionally, the hundreds of earthquakes that are recorded across the part would also turn into thousands.
Is the Yellowstone volcano erupting?
It has erupted before and it will erupt again. Scientists have been studying the Supervolcano at Yellowstone for a long time, and piecing the studies together gives us a glimpse of what things will be like next time Yellowstone erupts.
What are the odds of a Yellowstone eruption?
Supervolcano Eruptions. The odds that the Yellowstone supervolcano will erupt are roughly the same as the chances you’ll be struck by lightning: 1 in 10,000. The odds that the Yellowstone supervolcano will erupt are roughly the same as those that the National Weather Service estimates you’ll get struck by lightning in your lifetime: 1 in 10,000.
What caused the Yellowstone eruption?
The cause of the volcano is the hotspot on which Yellowstone is located. At a hotspot, molten mantle rock tends to rise toward the surface causing different geological activity. Volcanic eruptions from the hotspot also helped form the Snake River Plain .
What if Yellowstone Volcano erupts?
If the Yellowstone volcano were to fully erupt, ash would bury a large portion of the United States, killing millions of people. Within 1,000 cubic km of the eruption, most people would die from the inhaled ash in the air that forms a cement-like substance in the lungs.
What would a Yellowstone eruption be like?
An eruption at Yellowstone would create an ‘umbrella cloud’ of ash which would expand evenly in all directions driven by the force of the seismic event.