What is the nature of the light wave?
What is the nature of the light wave?
Light is a transverse, electromagnetic wave that can be seen by the typical human. The wave nature of light was first illustrated through experiments on diffraction and interference. Like all electromagnetic waves, light can travel through a vacuum.
What did Einstein conclude about nature of light?
Einstein’s theory of wave-particle duality. Einstein concluded that radiation, in particular its energy fluctuations, is consistent with a gas of independent particles—i.e., light quanta. He reasoned from dimensional analysis that the second term, quadratic in average energy, is from the interference of waves.
What is the two nature of light?
In physics, there are two theories by which light can be defined: the first theory defines light as particles and the second theory as waves. When considering measurement equipment such as spectro[radio]meters, which measure light in wavelengths, the second theory is the most suitable to explain light.
How are pro-EPIL and EPIL peptides translated?
Identification of pro-EPIL and EPIL peptides translated from insulin-like 4 (INSL4) mRNA in human placenta. Bellet D (1), Lavaissiere L, Mock P, Laurent A, Sabourin JC, Bedossa P, Le Bouteiller P, Frydman R, Troalen F, Bidart JM. (1)Service de Biologie Oncologique, Institut Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif, France.
What are the effects of LED lighting on epilepsy?
It has already been shown that the particular wavelength produced by blue LEDs (460-480nm) can have an effect on the circadian system and the regulation of melatonin production by the pituitary gland. I was curious to know if people with epilepsy experience a negative effect from this type of lighting.
Is there a treatment algorithm for status epilepticus?
STATUS EPILEPTICUS (SE) TREATMENT ALGORITHM IN ADULTS There exists a lack of prospective controlled trials regarding the appropriate doses or targeted therapeutic levels for refractory status epilepticus. Many of the recommended doses or targeted therapeutic levels are higher than referenced in the literature and based upon expert opinions at NYPH.
Are there any epileptics in the Old Testament?
By Alison Motluk The Bible may contain the oldest recorded case of temporal lobe epilepsy. Ezekiel, the prophet whose visions are recorded in a book of the Old Testament, apparently had all the classic signs of the condition.