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What is a Niskin sampler?

What is a Niskin sampler?

A Niskin bottle is a plastic cylinder with stoppers at each end in order to seal the bottle completely. This device is used to take water samples at a desired depth without the danger of mixing with water from other depths.

What is a water sampler?

The water sampler collects 1 or more actual samples of water for analysis in the lab after recovery of the package. The water samples can be used to verify the accuracy of data measured by the instruments on the package, and/or to provide additional information that cannot be measured with an instrument in the field.

What does a rosette sampler measure?

A rosette sampler is made of an assembly of 12 to 36 sampling bottles. Each bottle is a volume that range from a minimum value of 1.2 L to a maximum value of 30 L. During operations in the ocean, a rosette sampler can approach the seabed at a distance from 1 to 5 m, depending on the particular sea conditions.

How much does a Niskin bottle cost?

Product Details

Price: $760.00
Quantity Price *Note:

How does the Niskin water sampling system work?

Niskin Water Sampling Bottles – Non-metallic free-flushing sampling bottles activated by GO Devil messenger (1000-MG) when individually or serially attached to hydrocable. Sequential closure by remote command with model 1018 or 1015 Rosette

What kind of tubing does Niskin sampler use?

The Standard PVC Niskin Type Sampler is made of grey PVC (RAL 7011) and features a spring closure made of latex tubing with optional stainless steel spring closure, clamp bolts for attachments on a cable and mounting blocks for Multisampling System attachment. Delivery is made with lanyards for loading on both cable and multisampling systems.

What kind of bottle is a niskin bottle?

Niskin bottle. A Niskin bottle is a plastic cylinder with stoppers at each end in order to seal the bottle completely.

How does a niskin water bottle get out?

The two stoppers at each end of the Niskin bottle, are held open by plastic cords attached to a release mechanism. In addition, the stoppers are connected by an elastic cord at the inside of the bottle. Attached to a cable, the open bottle (s) are lowered to a discreet depth in the water.