Useful tips

What is a quarterly reflection?

What is a quarterly reflection?

At the end of each quarter or term, it is important for students to have the opportunity to reflect on their failures, successes, and areas of need for the upcoming months. This simple yet effective activity allows students to think over what worked and what did not work for them.

What are the 4 levels of reflection?

Four levels of reflection emerged that Larrivee labeled as pre-reflection, surface, pedagogical, and critical reflection.

What is school experience reflection?

Reflective practice is ‘learning through and from experience towards gaining new insights of self and practice’ (Finlay, 2008). It requires teachers to look at what they do in the classroom, and think about why they do it and if it works – a process of self-observation and self-evaluation.

How do you write a reflection on a module?

Write a reflection about what you have learned. Your reflections should include (1) your opinion, (2) personal experience, and (3) evidence to back up your thoughts and/or opinion (APA citation). Things you can reflect on include the readings for this week, videos or pod casts, or discussions with classmates.

Why are reflection questions important at the end of the school year?

Use these student reflection questions to spark critical thinking about learning and growth. As we near the end of the school year, we face a tough paradox. Teachers and students, in general, are done. In the midst of a global pandemic, we’ve been through a lot!

What happens at the end of the creative reflection quarter?

“Don’t forget, in two weeks I’m going to ask you about your outside reading,” is my typical announcement. Creative Reflection: The quarterly self-analysis ends with a longer reflection on either reading or writing. This time I asked about a creative piece that made them proud.

When to reflect on the past four years of high school?

Before you get caught up in the whirlwind of excitement and nervousness surrounding the big day, it’s good to take some time and reflect on the past four years of your life. After you walk across that stage in June, everything is going to change.

Is it good to reflect on high school?

A good reflection of high school ought to do you good. You’ll be reminded of how you got here, what you learned, and what experiences were most meaningful to you. As another fellow graduating senior, here’s what these past four years of high school have taught me.