What is Infinity War Supreme Commander 2?
What is Infinity War Supreme Commander 2?
The Infinite War takes place on various planets in the Milky Way Galaxy. Quantum Gate Networks allow for instantaneous travel between the planets. The Infinite War has claimed billions of lives and has turned planets into nothing more than dead rocks floating in space.
Why do you need long range artillery in Supreme Commander 2?
Long Range Artillery is key to this strategy as it allows you to safely destroy unshielded targets from your island base. If you’re UEF, spend the extra points researching the Disruptor station. For roughly the same price, you get almost double the DPS plus shots are fired in 4-shell bursts which are more likely to shut down and penetrate a shield.
Which is the best faction for supreme commander?
The UEF is generally a ‘take and tank’ faction, with their Fortified Artillery that can be used defensively and offensively as short-range artillery, their long-range ‘assault artillery’ experimentals like the Fatboy and Jackhammer, and their superior shield and armor strength, making them a very good choice for new, or defensive, players.
When to use attrition in Supreme Commander 2?
Attrition wins games. If you have more than 400 units of mass at (mostly) any time, you may be putting yourself at a disadvantage. Unless you are saving mass and energy for an expensive building (artillery/nukes/experimentals/something else), try to ensure you are dumping as much mass into unit production as possible.
What do you need to know about Supreme Commander?
Inside, you’ll find basic strategies to employ in multiplayer, mechanics of various types of unique units in the game, general advice on the usage of specific units and tactics, as well as a complete list of all mobile and ‘unique’ combat units in the game, with tips and (sometimes) tricks to go with every individual unit.