Why HBs Ag test is done?
Why HBs Ag test is done?
The test is used to find out whether you have a recent or long-standing infection from the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV has proteins called antigens on its surface that cause your immune system to make antibodies. Hepatitis B surface antigens can be found in your blood within several weeks after the infection starts.
What is the normal result of anti HBs?
For hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs), a level less than 5 mIU is considered negative, while a level more than 12 mIU is considered protective. Any value between 5 and 12 mIU is indeterminate and should be repeated.
What do you need to know about HBsAg test?
Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test (HBsAg) 1 Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). 2 Hepatitis B Symptoms 3 Causes. The Hepatitis B virus is passed from person to person through blood, semen, or other body fluids. 4 HBsAg. 5 Screening Tests for Hepatitis B.
What does it mean to have an HBS surface antibody?
antibodies to HBsAg as part of the normal immune response to infection. HBsAg is the antigen used to make hepatitis B vaccine. Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBs): The presence of anti-HBs is generally interpreted as indicating recovery and immunity from hepatitis B virus infection. Anti-HBs also develops in a person who has been successfully
Can a person with HBsAb + pass the virus?
Someone who is HBsAb+ is not infected and cannot pass the virus to others. 3. Hep atitis B Co re An tib o d y (HBcAb or Anti-HBc) – This antibody does not provide any protection or immunity against the hepatitis B virus. A positive or “reactive” test indicates that a person may have been infected with the hepatitis B virus at some point in time.
What does HBsAb stand for in medical category?
The hepatitis B surface antibody test (HBsAb), looks for antibodies that your immune system makes in response to the surface protein of the hepatitis B virus. The hepatitis B surface antibody is also referred to as anti-HBs and should not be confused with HBsAg, which stands for hepatitis B surface antigen. ERproductions Ltd / Getty Images