Do mouse deer have antlers?
Do mouse deer have antlers?
Unlike many of their relatives, they do not have horns or antlers, but males do have small tusks (elongated canines) in their upper jaw which they use in fighting.
Do male mouse deer have antlers?
Tragulus javanicus, or lesser Malay mouse deer, do not have antlers or horns. Instead, adult males have elongated, tusk-like upper canines (Nowak and Paradiso, 1983). Mouse deer have no upper incisors. The pelage of mouse deer is brown with an orange tint.
How big is a lesser mouse deer?
18 inches
Description. It is the smallest known hoofed mammal, its mature size being as little as 45 cm (18 inches) and 2 kg (4.4 lb). It is threatened by predation by feral dogs.
Is the mouse deer a mouse or a deer?
Chevrotains, or mouse-deer, are small even-toed ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, the only extant members of the infraorder Tragulina. The 10 extant species are placed in three genera, but several species also are known only from fossils.
What kind of antlers does a Malay mouse deer have?
Tragulus javanicus, or lesser Malay mouse deer, do not have antlers or horns. Instead, adult males have elongated, tusk-like upper canines (Nowak and Paradiso, 1983). These canines protrude from the side of the mouth. Females lack these canines.
What kind of deer has antlers and horns?
Tragulus javanicus, or lesser Malay mouse deer, do not have antlers or horns. Instead, adult males have elongated, tusk-like upper canines (Nowak and Paradiso, 1983). These canines protrude from the side of the mouth. Females lack these canines. Females are also smaller than the males (Nowak and Paradiso, 1983).
What does a lesser mouse deer look like?
The cheekteeth of lesser mouse deer have a crescent pattern formed by the enamel ridges. Mouse deer have no upper incisors. The pelage of mouse deer is brown with an orange tint. The underside is white. There is also a series of white vertical markings on the neck (Grzimck, 1994).
What does a mousedeer look like in a zoo?
With a rodent-like face and a rabbit’s body perched precariously atop the pencil-thin feet of a piglet, the mousedeer looks like an odd mix of different animals. Delicate of build and shy by nature, this unique group of tiny hoofed mammals may lack the horns or antlers of other hoofed animals but they do sport fangs.