Do deleted tweets show up in timeline?
Do deleted tweets show up in timeline?
When you delete a Tweet, it is removed from your account, the timeline of any accounts that follow you, and from Twitter search results on, Twitter for iOS, and Twitter for Android. Retweets of the deleted Tweet will also be removed on, Twitter for iOS, and Twitter for Android.
Why is a deleted tweet still showing?
A deleted tweet always appears in Unified Moderation after it is pulled into a feed. Social does not do anything to update deleted tweets in the feeds. If a tweet is deleted from Twitter before it gets pulled into a feed, then it will never appear in the feed.
How long do deleted tweets stay up?
Twitter will retain the data for up to 30 days, during which time, Twitter will honor any second thoughts and let users reactivate their accounts.
Are deleted tweets recoverable?
Twitter does come with an Archive feature that allows you to view and recover deleted data like tweets, photos, and videos in the form of archives where you can request a download of your deleted tweets and recover it quickly.
How to delete old tweets quickly because your timeline?
If you have several years of tweet regret you’d like to forget, there’s a program called Tweet Deleter that can get the job done fast. You can log in with your Twitter account and easily browse all of your tweets. You can select multiple tweets to delete, delete your full history, schedule automatic tweet deleting based on preferences you set,
How can I delete all of my Twitter history?
You can log in with your Twitter account and easily browse all of your tweets. You can select multiple tweets to delete, delete your full history, schedule automatic tweet deleting based on preferences you set, and more.
What happens if you delete a like on Twitter?
“When we issue a delete request to Twitter for a tweet or retweet, if the API returns that the tweet was deleted, it is guaranteed to be deleted,” Martani explained. “For likes, that’s not the case. Twitter returns that the like is either deleted or ‘not found,’ but sometimes it is deleted, sometimes it is not.
Why do deleted tweets sometimes show up on the web?
Q. Why do deleted tweets sometimes still show up on the web when you search? A. Search engines that constantly index the pages on the web can scoop up your Twitter posts as you make them.