Which problem is an ill-defined problem?
Which problem is an ill-defined problem?
In the study of problem solving, any problem in which either the starting position, the allowable operations, or the goal state is not clearly specified, or a unique solution cannot be shown to exist. A typical example is the problem of overpopulation, which satisfies none of these criteria.
What is meant by well-defined problem?
Well-defined (well-structured) problems are those that contain a clear specification of three elements of the problem space: the initial state (the problem situation), the set of operators (rules and strategies) to solve the problem, and the goal state (the solution).
What is an example of a well-defined problem?
In the study of problem solving, any problem in which the initial state or starting position, the allowable operations, and the goal state are clearly specified, and a unique solution can be shown to exist. Typical examples are the Tower of Hanoi, Wason selection task, and water-jar problems.
What is the difference between a well-defined and an ill-defined problem quizlet?
A well-defined problem is one in which the initial state, goal state, and methods available to you are understood. An ill-defined problem is one in which the initial state, goal state, and/or methods are ill-defined. A solution can become easy when you recognize the parts to a difficult problem.
How are well defined and ill defined problem solving related?
We investigated the relationship between two kinds of problem solving using Kitchener’s model of hierarchical cognitive processing. We predicted that performance on well‐defined problems (i. e. those with a single, guaranteed solution) would be independent of ill‐defined problems (i. e. those with multiple, non‐guaranteed solutions).
How is Poirot solving an ill defined problem?
Poirot is solving an ill-defined problem—one in which the initial conditions and/or the final conditions are unclear. (That’s also our interest on this website— (complex, ill-defined, and non-immediate) CIDNI problems.) In this case, Monsieur Poirot can’t reasonably restrict the number of suspects before he does a bit of legwork.
Which is an example of an ill structured problem?
In order to resemble situations in the real world, ill-structured problems have unclear goals and incomplete information (Voss, 1988). Also asked, what is the best example of a well structured problem?
What does ill defined mean in medical terms?
What does ill defined mean in medical terms? : a condition of inferior health in which some disease or impairment of function is present but is usually not as serious in terms of curtailing activity as an illness elderly parents who are in ill -health and need their financial and personal help— E. C. Gottschalk, Jr.