
What is interlaminar failure?

What is interlaminar failure?

Interlaminar failure (often denoted as delamination), that essentially consists in the progressive separation of plies within the laminated stack. Such disbonds represent the most critical failure mode for composite laminates.

What is interlaminar shear strength?

Interlaminar Shear Strength (ILSS) is an important material property for design of laminated composite structures subjected to transverse loads. A major problem of this test is the indentation deformation and concentration of compressive and transverse shear stresses at the loading head.

What is interlaminar crack?

Thus, an intralaminar crack consists of two wavy surfaces extended along the fiber direction. When the crack length in the thickness direction is more than a few fiber diameters, it is reasonable to model the crack as a flat crack and apply fracture mechanics methods for its growth.

How is a progressive failure analysis method used?

A progressive failure analysis method has been developed for predicting the failure of laminated composite structures under geometrically nonlinear deformations. The progressive failure analysis uses C _shell elements based on classical lamination theory to calculate the in-plane stresses. Several failure criteria, including the maximum

Why are stress and failure analysis of laminated composite structures important?

Stress and failure predictions are an important part of the process required in the design of laminated composite structures. Thelearning objectivesfor this course are as follows: 1. Understanding the differences between isotropic, orthotropic and anisotropic material behavior 2.

Why is failure analysis of composite joints important?

Failure analysis of bonded composite joints is essential to the design of modern aerospace vehicles in which adhesive joints are widely used. Recently, methods for stress and failure analysis of composite bonded joints have been developed in a new HyperSizer® capability.