Useful tips

How do I move my WordPress logo?

How do I move my WordPress logo?

Select Appearance > Customize > CSS from your Admin Dashboard and enter the custom CSS there. You need to be on the Premium Plan for custom CSS to save. Try this. I haven’t made the logo any bigger because it was causing problems when you resize the screen width.

How do I move the header in WordPress?

Go to Appearance > Header. Please note that some themes don’t have the header option so you’ll have to go to Appearance > Theme Editor > Header and modify the header PHP files. Then, go to the Header Image section and click Add New Image. After that, select the image you want to use in your header.

How do I resize a logo in WordPress?

Step 1: Go to WordPress Admin > Appearance > Customize > Header > Logo and Favicon. Step 2: You will be able to set the logo size of the SVG Width and Logo Max Height from entering value into the provided text box followed by px.

How do I add a logo to my WordPress header code?

You can add a png logo to your header by Selecting Customize (which is next to themes) > then select Site identity, then click on Add Logo, you should then be able to upload the logo of your choice. Then click on Set As Logo in the bottom right corner. After your done be sure to click on Save & Publish.

Where is the logo located in a WordPress theme?

In the image above, you can see that in our theme Symphony , the logo image is located in the class, .logo-box. If you have the experience, you can edit the style.css of your theme to make the alignment changes necessary to center the logo — if not, we’ll explore some other options.

How to add a logo to your website?

To add or change your logo: 1 Go to Appearance >> Customizer. 2 Expand the Site Identity section by clicking on it. 3 Upload your logo image file (gif, jpeg or png). 4 Hit the Publish button.

How to change the navigation menu in WordPress?

WordPress Navigation Menu Alignment: In this tutorial on visualmodo knowledge base we will show how to change your WordPress site header navigation menu and company/site logo alignment.

How to add and align images in WordPress block editor?

Simply upload your image and then add the text you want to display next to it. After adding the image and text, you will notice more options for the block. You can make the whole block wider or full-width, you can also switch the image and text sides. The image’s alignment will automatically adjust to the height of the text in the next column.