
When was Cynthia born?

When was Cynthia born?

June 6, 1954 (age 67 years)
Cynthia Rylant/Date of birth

Where is Cynthia Rylant?

About The Author Cynthia Rylant is the author of more than 100 books for young people, including the beloved Henry and Mudge, Annie and Snowball, Brownie & Pearl, Motor Mouse, and Mr. Putter & Tabby series. Her novel Missing May received the Newbery Medal. She lives in Lake Oswego, Oregon.

How old is Cynthia Rylant?

67 years (June 6, 1954)
Cynthia Rylant/Age
Cynthia Rylant (born June 6, 1954) is an American author and librarian. She has written more than 100 children’s books, including works of fiction (picture books, short stories and novels), nonfiction, and poetry.

What college did Cynthia Rylant attend?

Kent State University1981
Marshall University
Cynthia Rylant/Education

What kind of books does Cynthia Rylant write?

Cynthia Rylant (born June 6, 1954) is an American author and librarian. She has written more than 100 children’s books, including works of fiction ( picture books, short stories and novels), nonfiction, and poetry.

Where was Cynthia Rylant born and raised in West Virginia?

Rylant was born in Hopewell, West Virginia, the daughter of a U.S. Army veteran, John Tune Smith, and Leatrel Smith née Rylant.

When was young in the mountains by Cynthia Rylant?

Rylant has received significant recognition and awards for her writing, which include an American Book Award for her first book, When I Was Young in the Mountains. When I Was Young in the Mountains has also won Caldecott Honors along with The Relatives Came.

When was Cynthia Rylant married to a professor?

During the early 1980s, she was married briefly to a professor at the University of Akron. Rylant followed her inaugural effort with six more picture books based on her childhood experiences. Her 1983 book, Miss Maggie, deals with themes of aging.