What is a grade descriptor?
What is a grade descriptor?
Well-written grade descriptors are an essential tool in helping students to understand the marks that they have been awarded and why they have been awarded them. This document sets out the principles for designing and using grade descriptors in order to facilitate the award of appropriate and consistent marks.
What is a 7 in GCSE?
Grade 7 is the equivalent of a grade A. Grade 6 is the equivalent of just above a grade B. Grade 5 is the equivalent of in between grades B and C. Grade 4 is the equivalent of a grade C.
What percentage is a 4 in GCSE history?
Grade 4 score = 47.5% / Grade 7 score = 67.5%. Grade 4 score = 38.1% / Grade 7 score = 66.3%. Grade 4 score = 35.3% / Grade 7 score = 57.1%. Grade 4 score = 25.5% / Grade 7 score = 51.5%.
What percentage is a 6 in GCSE?
According to this illustration, grade 4 requires 56 – 66 per cent, grade 5 requires 67 – 77 per cent and grade 6 requires 78 – 88 per cent. ranges may seem extraordinarily narrow and demanding, but they are supported by other evidence discussed below.
Are there any grade descriptors for GCSE Geography?
The JCQ have published guidance for determining GCSE/A Level grades for 2021. How much use the grade descriptors are is another question. Below are links to published resources.
What are the grade descriptors for 9 to 1 GCSEs?
We have developed grade descriptors for the reformed GCSEs graded 9 to 1. These aim to assist teachers by providing an indication of the likely level of performance at grades 2, 5 and 8 in each reformed subject.
What was the purpose of the grade descriptors?
The purpose of these grade descriptors is to give teachers and students an idea of likely performance at the mid-points of grades 2, 5 and 8. The grade descriptors were developed with the input of subject experts and exam boards.
What do you need to know about geography a-Edexcel?
1. The structure of the exam papers 2. Information on question styles, command words and mark tariffs 3. Guidance on interpreting our levels based mark schemes 4. Guidance on tackling the 8 mark and 12 mark extended response questions and strategies for answering these questions in the exam. 5.