
What states use rubberized asphalt?

What states use rubberized asphalt?

Arizona has been the leader in using rubberized asphalt, but California, Florida, Texas, and South Carolina are also using asphalt rubber.

What is rubberized asphalt made of?

Rubberized asphalt concrete (commonly known as RAC) is a road paving material made by blending ground-up recycled tires with asphalt to produce a binder which is then mixed with conventional aggregate materials. This mix is then placed and compacted into a road surface.

What is rubberized asphalt used for?

Rubberized asphalt is a hot-mixed asphalt pavement containing crumb rubber. The crumb rubber serves as a “modifier” of the liquid asphalt. It’s addition gives the liquid asphalt greater viscosity (resistance to flow) and improves other properties which resist reflective cracking and rutting, and prolong pavement life.

What is rubberized hot mix asphalt?

Rubberized Hot Mix Asphalt (RHMA) includes a material made of recycled tires which have been ground up and blended into asphalt cement and aggregate. This environmentally-friendly treatment provides a higher thickness equivalency than HMA for resistance to reflective cracking.

What are the benefits of rubberized asphalt concrete?

Added material costs (rubber, asphalt) plus mobilization and set up of the asphalt rubber binder production equipment increases initial unit costs. Large projects may see some reduction in unit costs because mobilization costs can be spread over a greater RAC tonnage.

What is HRM 714 Hot applied rubberized asphalt membrane?

Hot-Applied Rubberized Asphalt Membrane. HRM 714 hot-applied rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane is a 100% solids blend of asphalts, synthetic rubber polymers, and filler formulated to provide toughness with flexibility and low moisture vapor permeance.

How much does an asphalt drive cost?

The Typical Asphalt Driveway Project Costs $4,500. Asphalt driveway projects usually range in price from $4,000 to $8,000. The national average cost of an asphalt driveway is close to $4,500. The price can rise or fall depending on many factors including location, quality of material, depth of material required, and the size of your drive.

Which is the best asphalt for waterproofing roofing?

Henry®Company’s time-tested 790-11 hot rubberized, fluid asphalt is formulated to provide a monolithic, fully bonded roofing and waterproofing membrane. 790-11 is an excellent choice when waterproofing both intensive and extensive vegetative roofing assemblies.