
How often do wood mice breed?

How often do wood mice breed?

How do wood mice breed? The breeding season is between February and October. Females produce litters of four to eight young up to six times in one year.

Where do wood mice nest?

Nests are commonly made of leaves, moss and grass. They are usually built below ground under the roots of shrubs or trees but occasionally are found in holes in trees, buildings and bird or dormouse nest boxes.

Do wood mice come into houses?

Of the three mice, the one you’re most likely to encounter at home is the wood mouse, as this species is even more common in houses than the house mouse. Rats and mice are most common in roof spaces, then cellars and cupboards. They can also live in wall spaces. Other visiting small mammal may include voles and shrews.

Are wood mice protected?

Conservation Status Wood mice have no legal protection and conservation does not seem necessary as recolonisation after mortality is often rapid. Wood mice can be beneficial to man by preying on harmful insects, and many trees and shrubs germinate from forgotten wood mouse food stores.

When does the wood mouse have its breeding season?

The wood mouse has a breeding season from February to October in which multiple matings occur between males and females, resulting in scramble competition. Such behavioral characteristics result in sperm competition and multiple paternity litters.

When is the breeding season for harvest mice?

Harvest mice are cathemeral which means they are active day and night, although most activity occurs at dusk. They do not hibernate, however, they spend most of their time underground in the winter. Harvest mouse breeding season ranges from May to October.

How long does it take for a wood mouse to give birth?

Pregnancy lasts approx. three weeks and litter sizes are generally four to seven young (range 2–11). DNA analysis has revealed that wood mice exhibit multiple paternity and a single litter may have up to four fathers! At birth, the young weigh 1–2g and will generally leave the nest within three weeks.

How long does a wood mouse stay in the nest?

DNA analysis has revealed that wood mice exhibit multiple paternity and a single litter may have up to four fathers! At birth, the young weigh 1–2g and will generally leave the nest within three weeks. These young can breed within their first year of life. The wood mouse is an opportunist feeder and will feed on both animal and plant foods.