
What does Gary Bertier learn about leadership?

What does Gary Bertier learn about leadership?

What does Gerry Bertier learn about his leadership and attitude from Julius and the Rev? Gerry learns about his leadership that in order to lead a team, he needs to belive in them and that he should be selfless. Coach boone takes the team on the night run to where 50,000 men died at the battle of Gettysburg.

What is the saying in Remember the Titans?

“I don’t scratch my head unless it itches and I don’t dance unless I hear some music. I will not be intimidated. That’s just the way it is.” – Coach Herman Boone, ‘Remember The Titans’.

What song did Louie sing when Coach Boone asked him about his roommate Rev?

Ain’t Too Proud To Beg [On-screen performance] At camp, Louie sings when Boone asks what kind of music Rev likes.

How big was Louie Lastik in remember the Titans?

Suplee’s fluctuating weight defined many of his earlier roles, especially in 2000’s Remember the Titans, where he was at his heaviest playing offensive lineman Louie Lastik. While appearing on fellow actor Joey Diaz’s podcast, The Church of What Is Happening Now, Suplee admitted he weighed around 500 pounds at the time.

What did Coach Boone say to Louie Lastik?

Louie Lastik : I’m eligible. Coach Boone : [talking awkwardly, while still being embraced by Lastik] Well, um, I’m glad to hear that, son, but I’m already married. Louie Lastik : I got a C-plus average, Coach. I’m going to college. Coach Boone : [talking while hugging] Lastik, that’s fantastic.

What did Louie Lastik do after high school?

Louie Lastik : Sir, I eat lunch with Rev. That’s Jerry Harris, sir. People call him that ’cause he’s always praying and he won’t abide with a foul tounge, Sir! Coach Boone : And what’s the Rev going to do after High School? Louie Lastik : I don’t know. Go to college and all that stuff, I guess. Coach Boone : What about you? You going to college?

Who was the leader in remember the Titans?

Ronnie tried to refuse leadership because he thought he was not ready. In the end, Boone proves to be the leader that the team needs, and Ronnie manages to deal with the difficulties of leadership, which is why I chose them as examples. 2. While Louis Lastik was not in a formal leadership role, he was truly a leader on the team. Explain how.