Useful tips

How do you use Find in a sentence?

How do you use Find in a sentence?

Find sentence example

  1. I think I shall find them helpful.
  2. The enemy will find it out.
  3. I find it hard to believe you wouldn’t help him if you could.
  4. Lisa glanced up to find Giddon watching them thoughtfully.
  5. Her parents are very anxious indeed to find a teacher for her.
  6. I’ll send it off to find out.

What is the real meaning of sentence?

A sentence is the largest grammatical unit in language. It communicates a complete thought—an assertion, question, command, or exclamation. After he kicked the ball is not a sentence; instead it is a dependent clause ( see subordinate clause ).

How do I find a word meaning?

By learning about etymology, you can find new ways to define unknown words without using a dictionary.

  1. Start by looking at each part of the word in question.
  2. Prefixes are the first part of the word.
  3. “Anti” means “against”.
  4. “Extra” is a prefix that means “beyond”.

How to use sentences to find the meaning of words?

Fill in the Blank – Use the word bank to complete each sentence. Are you ready for some football? – We define words that are contained in set sentences. Animal Facts – A little matching activity always helps build some confidence.

What is the dictionary definition of the word find?

find. noun. English Language Learners Definition of find (Entry 2 of 2) : something or someone that has been found especially : a valuable person or thing that has been found or discovered. See the full definition for find in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

Do you know how to check your sentence?

That is because first, you need to have a deep sense of the sentence, run on sentence, fragment sentence and how they are affecting the meaning of your work. These, when used in the right way, can take your article to a whole new level.

Do you have a clue for the meaning of a sentence?

Usually, the sentence itself will have some sort of clue for the meaning. It will explain the scenario that will help you guess the meaning of the word. In a sentence, if there are two words being used separated by the preposition “and” then it means that both words are synonyms of each other.