Useful tips

How do you reference a tenant?

How do you reference a tenant?

How to reference your tenant

  1. Ask for photo ID. This should be a passport or full driving licence.
  2. Proof of address. Tenancy documents or utility bills for example.
  3. Proof of income. Wage slips or bank statements.
  4. Employer’s reference.
  5. Landlord’s reference.
  6. Credit check.

Is tenant referencing a legal requirement?

Do All Tenants Need To Be Referenced? Yes. All adult tenants aged 18 and over must be named on the Tenancy Agreement and whether they are contributing financially to a share of the rent, all tenants will be required to have a reference check completed.

How long does it take for tenant referencing?

around 48 hours
How long does tenant referencing take? Usually, landlord tenant referencing is a quick process. It should only take around 48 hours once all the documentation has been received and signed off by the tenant referencing provider.

Can I charge tenant for referencing?

Landlords or their agents are no longer allowed to charge tenants for anything except: the rent, the tenancy deposit and a holding deposit (more on these below). This means you are no longer allowed to ask tenants to cover the cost of their own referencing.

What do you need to know about Endsleigh tenants insurance?

Endsleigh’s tenant insurance will also provide tenants’ liability cover for any fixtures and fittings that are owned by your landlord (such as carpets and furniture). Renters’ insurance will prevent you being left out of pocket should something unexpected happen to your things, such as your belongings being stolen, or destroyed in a fire.

Who is responsible for writing a tenant reference letter?

A tenant reference letter is written by a landlord or the landlord’s agent describing the character of the tenant and their capability to meet their financial obligations.

Where can I get a landlord reference form?

If your landlord would rather have you come up with a letter that they would only have to sign, we have provided you with a list of free samples of downloadable Landlord Forms to help you get started. These forms are varied in their scope of information, but you will quickly notice that any good landlord reference will include these details:

Where can I make a claim for Endsleigh?

For all non-urgent claims, please use our online claims facility. For all non-urgent claims, please use our online claims facility.