
Why do people think I have ulterior motives?

Why do people think I have ulterior motives?

So when a part of you always assumes that people have ulterior motives when they are being nice with you, it’s because you have experienced something similar in the past or have seen someone else experience this, whose memory is stored in your subconscious which makes you cautious about people and their intentions.

What is it called when someone has an ulterior motive?

(ʌlˈtɪərɪə ˈməʊtɪv) noun. if you say that someone has an ulterior motive for doing something, you believe that they have a hidden reason for doing it. Sheila had an ulterior motive for trying to help Stan.

How do you know if you have ulterior motives?

The company you keep reveals a lot about your values and who you are. You are compelled towards different relationships for different reasons. You may love spending time with family and long time friends because you have a shared past.

Does everyone have a motive?

Not everyone has an ulterior motive. But most people would rather do what would be in their best interest regardless of a common good or towards the completion of a cause. Therefore it is really important to be able to figure out the circumstances under which people would stand by you.

What are the ulterior motives of a person?

The motives by which people operate are difficult to grasp and understand. It’s safe to say that many of the behaviors you see played out by those around you are driven by ulterior motives. True motives for our behavior may be embarrassing, sensitive, malicious, or described by a myriad of other traits.

What are the hidden motives of a liar?

People who are lying have hidden motives. A liar will try to maintain a very steady, and slightly uncomfortable, eye contact because they believe that this proves them to be trustworthy.

What’s the best way to distract someone from your ulterior motive?

The best way to distract someone who’s attempting to figure out why we’re committing certain actions and saying certain words, is to make them believe that they’ve discovered our ulterior motive without actually revealing it.

What happens when someone has a hidden motive?

People with hidden motives may be at risk of developing antisocial personality disorder. The manipulator may pretend to be interested in your personal life but somehow the conversation always returns to focus on them and their needs. Not just their needs, but what they need from you to get what they want.
